chapter 98 ~ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚

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       Yoongi gave the female operator just that, one hand gripping the edge of the island until his knuckles turned white. He scanned over the rest of the house before him with their eyes practically bulging out of their faces with worry. He locked gazes with Jungkook, the brunet's mouth slightly agape in an almost pleading cry with his face scrunched up in pain. The sound of his pathetic pleas, Yumin's name slipping off of his tongue as he begged for her to step away from Yura and his truck... All of it came flooding back to him at once and he quickly had to break eye contact.

       He had an idea of where Yura had taken Yumin too; at such a late hour, the only place he could really go was back home, and thankfully, after so many years, the address was engraved into Yoongi's brain. Finally, he hung up the phone and exhaled shakily, trying hard to regain steady breathing as he rested his head on the countertop. Yumin could take care of herself; he knew that, but what if something happened before they could get to her? After an entire year of trying to get Yumin back, Yura must be more than fed up with their games. He could be hurting her at that moment and he couldn't do a thing about it.

       She's smart, he told himself. She knows when to play along. Nothing's gonna happen to her.


       Yoongi looked up at the sound of Namjoon's panicked voice. Namjoon. Frankly, he was the last person the brunet thought would speak up at such a time, but seeing his eyes narrowed in what appeared to be rage, he nodded to let him speak.

       "Do you know where she's at?"

       "You knew when she was at the airport," Seokjin pointed out. "Where'd Yura take her?"

       All eyes were now trained on him. Jimin had lowered his phone and was gripping it tightly in his hand while his eyes were trained on his hyung. Yoongi felt startled now that everyone was relying on him to help get Yumin back. With a deep breath, he pushed himself from the island and stood as tall as he possibly could. Now wasn't the time to let the others see how scared he was. They would, however, see how enraged he was that Yura had pulled such a stunt a few days before his court case. What could they expect from such a bastard as him?


        "They're headed to Busan."

        "Busan?" Hoseok questioned.

        "That's where we all came from. That's where Yura still lives and I guarantee you he's keeping Yumin down at their old apartment."

        Taehyung pushed himself away from the door frame that led into the living room, his hands shoved deep in his pockets to shield their trembling from the eyes of the others. "Then let's go! Busan is less than two hours away; we can drive there and hopefully get to them before he tries anyth-"



       "You heard me. We're going to wait here until the police show up and let them do their job. I'm not risking anyone else by going near that bastard."

       "But hyung, if we wait something might happen to Yumin-"

        "I'm not risking the rest of you! Do you hear me!?" Yoongi blew steam from his nose and slammed his fist down on the counter. "Yumin is smart enough to play his games. I trust that she'll be able to keep herself safe until the police can get to her, but there is no way I'm letting the six of you rush down there all riled up and ready to bust down Yura's door just for him to pull some crazy shit on you. I've seen what he can do and I'd rather let him have Yumin for slightly longer than let anything happen to you."

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