"One second, just wait."

"Uhm yes?"

"Jungkook...what you did was dangerous. And you know I hate scolding you but we need to talk after school okay?"

Jungkook, stomach dropping, nods slowly, he was waiting for Jaebum to ask to have a talk, he expected it but it didn't mean he didn't feel any less nauseous at the idea of it.

"Okay." he murmurs, taking a hold of his bag and shuffling it onto his shoulder.

He mutters a bye and shuts the car door, walking quickly up the path to join Yugyeom who is practically hopping in excitement because he's been promised ice cream.

Jungkook isn't too excited about the idea of ice cream, he just wants to get to class and stop thinking about his stupid stupid mistake, maybe this new term will have something interesting to make him forget about his essays and his complacency.

Ha nope.

Jungkook and Yugyeom walk into their first class, taking their seats which are annoyingly on other sides of the classroom, the professor probably placing them there because of a certain reputation the two troublesome pair acquired last year...

Yes Yugyeom and Jungkook may have been renowned for being completely inseparable and also being at the front of a lot of accidental trouble...late a to a few classes because of skipping...some talking when they shouldn't be...a couple lighters...

Yeah that was all sorted out by an angry Jaebum which left the two rather sulky...

So now they've found themselves on opposite sides of the classroom in each lesson.

Yugyeom already has his head on the desk, ready to sleep through the whole class.

Yep...he hasn't learnt a thing from last year.

"Good morning class, Yugyeom head off the desk please, Yeonjun open that back window! New term, new start everyone, okay so I would love to hear about your exciting time off but I have some new students to introduce," the teacher announced, annoyingly full of energy on Friday.

Jungkook, as uninterested in new people as ever turns to look out the window, opting to feel like the main character of an anime.

Two new students, one with dark black hair swept just above his eyes, and the other with a deep chestnut brown that was curled delicately.

They looked...close?

"I'm Jimin, I just moved here...uh and this is Taehyung," the black-haired one said, apparently called Jimin.

The boy next to him, Taehyung, didn't say much, just nodded as Jimin said his name.

The professor cleared their throat, "Jimin take a seat at the back next to Jungkook, Jungkook raise your hand please, thank you. Taehyung you can sit in this chair here."

Jimin walked to the back of the class, you could tell that man knew his worth, Jungkook watched the way he walked, confidence to the max.

Yep Jimin looked hot.

Taehyung slid into his seat, hoping to go unnoticed, he just took a pen out his pocket and sat quietly.

In mere seconds, Jimin had captured everyone's attention...

Much to Taehyung's relief, he did not want to be the centre of attention right now, not after the awful trip him and Jimin had trying to find their way to this damn class.

Was this place a maze or something?

"Okay students, today we are looking at a new piece of literature by..."

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