,,No", you say after a moment and shake your head ,,I'm.. Not".
,,If you say so", Mikaela shrugs and brings her focus back to her sink.
,,I say so, yes".

You continue drying the plates Yvone hands you and when the dishes are done you go to put them back into the cupboards where they belong. Despite the girls and you chatting endlessly you get to finish quite quick and you follow Yvone and Mikaela out of the kitchen to find Vaela.

,,I hope we can do the laundry now or something", Yvone says as she knocks at the older woman's door and she opens it right away.
,,Girls, you're done already?", Vaela asks and a light smile appears on her face when Mikaela nods.
,,That's great. There is almost nothing left to do though, so I'd say you both", she looks at Yvone and Mikaela ,,Head back home quickly before it starts getting dark. I'll get your payment in a second, you can wait for me down in the foyer".
,,Okay", Yvone nods and you feel your heart drop a little. You don't want them to leave.

Mikaela intertwines her arm with yours and you walk the corridor back to the stairs. ,,Now, I didn't expect that but I sure won't complain", she says and Yvone nods.
She heads downstairs in front of you, taking the hairtie out of her hair and a sighs escapes her lips.
,,This is the first time in months I've seen my family before dinner", she says.
,,Really?", you ask in suprise and she nods.
,,We're here from nine in the morning until six or seven in the evening, most of the time", Mikaela says ,,You did notice that, right?".
,,I mean, yes. But… I am here all the time, maybe that's why it sounds odd to me", you say and Yvone shrugs.
,,I wouldn't want to change with you though, honestly", she says ,,No offense".
,,None taken", you chuckle ,,I like my life at the moment, actually".
,,I'm glad that's the case", Mikaela smiles lightly and the three of you stop walking since you've reached the foyer.

,,And I'm glad the monsters in the village seemingly disappeared. At least we can go back home without having to fear dying", Yvone says with a crooked grin.
,,I'll still send a prayer up there so you'll get back safe", you say, feeling slightly worried despite her seeming to be quite relaxed about their situation.
You on the other hand would freak out if you'd have to go back home, having to expect a monster appearing out of nowhere and ripping you to shreds.
Your friends smile lightly and Yvone lays a hand on your shoulder. ,,Don't worry, we'll be back tomorrow".
,,Promise?", you say, now with a grin and the girls pull you into a bone  crushing hug. 

A second later Vaela comes around to give the girls their payment and then they leave, you look after them and after the door closes behind your friends you turn, take a deep breath and head back to the staircase.
You're not sure what to do now since Vaela didn't give you any new chores either. Maybe you can just go back to your room.
Your feet bring you to the gigantic room with the chandelier and where the stairs are, but you stop in your tracks when you see a man approaching you.
A man? Here in the castle?
You examine him and quickly recognize him as Heisenberg, Alcinas guest and brother. He is still wearing is sunglasses and you can't make out if he is looking at you.

,,Aren't you my sisters new pet?", he then asks with a light grin and you furrow your eyebrows ,,You must be pretty tough, huh? Keeping up with that woman isn't easy".
,,I'm not her pet…?", you reply and he laughs, his voice sounding raspy and he shakes his head, but before Heisenberg can say anything more you spot a  movement at the top of the stairs.
A smile appears on your face when your eyes fall onto Alcina and the woman stares down to you.

,,Y/N, come here", she says loudly and you send her a little nod.
,,Yeah, coming".
Even from afar you can sense that she isn't in the happiest state and once you reach her, she instantly turns to walk to her chambers.
You feel a little uneasy with her distancing herself from you and you take a deep breath before you follow her.
Alcina doesn't say a single word until you reach her room and you start fiddling with the cords of your dress a little, your chest slightly clenching from nervousness.

,,Please, do me a favor and get a bath ready for me", the woman then says after she sat down on the stool  in front of her dressing table and you nod. ,,Of course".
You quickly enter the other room and let warm water run into the gigantic tub, add a little of foam and after taking a deep breath you step back into her chamber.
,,It's all set up", you say and Alcina, who is still sitting on her stool and massaging her temples, sighs and nods.
,,Thank you, love", she gets up from the chair now and walks over to you. She runs her hand through your hair and her lip curls upward.
,,I want you to stay here", she adds ,,Just in case I'll need anything".
,,Of course. But I'll have to head out for five minutes, then I'll be back here", you say and she raises her eyebrows.
,,For what reason?".
,,To get a book to read while waiting", you reply.

Alcina enters her bathroom and you head out, but instead of hurrying to get to your room you change your mind and take a right turn, approaching the chamber where her wine is stored.
If there is something that sets her in a better mood, it definitely is a glass of her favorite vintage.
You take one of the wine glasses she always uses, put it down on the table and fill it to half with Sanguis Virginis.
'Maybe something happened with Heisenberg' you think while you leave the chamber again 'She doesn't exactly like him. Might be they had a fight'.

You lightly knock at the door to her bathroom, the glass of wine in your right hand and she calls you in.
,,Excuse me for disturbing you", you say quietly and even though she is fully covered with foam you still feel a light blush on your cheeks when you look at her ,,I brought you something".
,,You're so thoughtful", Alcina says with a little sigh and takes the wine out of your hand, a few drops of water falling to the floor when she reaches over to you ,,Thank you".
,,No problem", you shrug and watch her as she bring the glass to her lips, she closes her eyes and you lean back against the dresser.
,,Is everything okay? You seemed to be a little upset earlier", you ask quietly.
Alcina leans her head back against the edge of the tub and her eyes stare up to the ceiling.
,,Don't worry about it".
,,You know, a wise woman once told me that talking about ones problems can help", you say.
Her lips curl upwards just a little when she realizes that you're referring to her and she shakes her head.

,,Heisenberg was here, as you might have noticed and we talked about the happenings in the village", she says ,,You're aware of the consequences for my daughters and me when there is no one left and I originally thought that my mother just didn't think about that when she allowed my brother to let his lycans roam the village".
Alcina huffs and brings her glass to her lips again.
,,Turns out she was aware of that".
Your eyes widen in shock and you stare at Alcina with slightly parted lips. A bad feeling comes up in your stomach and it breaks your heart to see the sad expression on the woman's face.
Her own alleged mother lets the source of food for her daughter be slaughtered by a bunch of monsters and Miranda seemingly doesn't care one bit.

Alcina shakes her head again and pours the rest of her wine down her throat.
,,I'll personally talk to her about that. But she knows what she is doing. There will be a reason to her actions".
'Is she trying to justify that woman's horrible behavior?' you think, feeling slightly confused.
,,Anyway, I am going to get dressed now", she says ,,Wait in my room for me".
,,Of course".

Orphan / female reader x lady dimitrescuWhere stories live. Discover now