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Alcina lets out a little sigh before she leans back against her pillows, holding Y/N wrapped in her arms with her head resting against the womans shoulder and Alcinas thoughts start ruminating.
There is no logical excuse on why Miranda did that. She really wanted to see them all dead.
They weren't of use to her anymore.

Alcina feels somewhat heartbroken, now that the woman she looked up to for so many years turned out to be such a terrible person. Maybe she should have seen it coming, but after a lifetime of betrayal she thought that finally she found someone to trust.
She runs her fingertips over Y/Ns delicate face and her gaze remains on her for a good few minutes.
One might see their relationship in an odd way, Alcina is aware of that but she doesn't have any strange intentions. She saw so much in that girl and without even knowing it, Y/N changed her view on many things such as herself. Where Alcina sometimes saw a misfigured creature that grew too tall and was disformed by the cadou, Y/N made sure to let her know that that exact part was beautiful. 

Miranda made her feel like she was inhuman, Y/N didn't seem to see anything wrong with her.
Even when she simply worked as Alcina's maiden she made her feel normal, unlike most of the other maiden that avoided her at all cost.
She grew used to it, of course, but that didn't mean it hurt her in a way.

Alcina runs her fingers through Y/Ns hair one more time when she notices a slight movement from the girl and she freezes.  
Now that she gave everything a second thought, fear comes over her. Her feelings toward the girl were of more intensity than she thought and she was scared that Y/N wouldn't feel the same way.

You let out a deep breath, slowly regaining your consiousness when you notice the scent of the woman you loved so dearly everywhere around you, your body relaxes against whatever is behind your back and a smile creeps over your lips once you realize that you are, in fact, leaning against Alcinas front.
Your body is aching just as bad as you blacked out on the floor and you slowly stretch your shoulders, only for Alcina to gently lay her hands on your waist and place you on the matress next to her.

In slight confusion you open your eyes and look after her while she turns her head away from you.
,,I should better leave and let you rest", Alcina says without even looking at you and she wants to get up, but despite feeling like none of your muscles work you reach for her hand and hold her wrist to prevent her from going.
,,No, please. Stay", you say quietly and ignore the aching in every single one of your body parts as you crawl over to her, bringing your hands to her face and your heart breaks when you turn her head to see the hurt in her eyes. All that because of Mirandas selfishness.

Your thumb traces over Alcinas cheekbone and you try to find the right words.
After going through all that today, after the thinking you did while feeling like you and her would die, you wouldn't let her go.
,,I… I need you. With me", you speak in a whisper and the expression on her face softens.
,,If that's what you want right now, I'll stay", she says and you take a deep breath.
,,It is what I always want", you respond almost inaudibly and you lower your eyes, finally speaking out what had to be said before this mess happened.
,,I want to be with you". You take another deep breath. ,,Listen, I almost died and it made me think. There are things I have to say before I might actually get killed and I don't want to die regretting that I never said this…".

You raise your gaze again and finally, you whisper it out for only her to hear.
,,Alcina, I love you".

For a second you feel like she didn't hear you, her eyes just staring back at you with almost no emotion potrayed in them and then the fear fills you up that she in fact heard you, but didn't want to hear it.
Then her lips curl upwards and her expression softens, she lays her hands on your waist and places a soft kiss on your forehead. ,,I love you too, draga mea".

,,Okay, uncle Sal, here is where you can stay", Cassandra opens the door to one of the bedrooms that the maiden used to stay in and sent a grin toward the smaller man ,,Do you want to rest a little or come with us?".
,,I don't want to be alone now", he said, his words as hard to understand as usual and Cassandra nods.
,,Sure. What if we'll join Karl in the dining room for a cheese platter?".
,,That'd be nice".
,,Do you want me to go and find Vaela or Helen?", Daniela asks her sister who rolls her eyes.
,,I think you are able to do that on your own, no?".
,,Okay, okay. They deserve a break too, you're right", the red haired girl sighs, just as the voice of her mother calling her comes to her ear.
She exchanges a short glance with Cassandra before she heads toward the room and leaves her and Moreau at the stairs.

,,Yes, mother?", she asks as she peeks through the door and has to fight a smile when she sees how comfortable Y/N is lying at her side.  
,,Would you mind bringing us something to eat?", Alcina asks and smiles ,,We are a little hungry".
,,Sure, I was just about to go to the kitchen", Daniela nods ,,Give me ten minutes".

The girl steps back and lets the door fall close again, now allowing herself to let out a little laugh and she follows the corridor back to the stairs. Her mother must have it bad if she couldn't even leave the girl alone for a short time to get something to eat.
To get to the Kitchen a little quicker Daniela changes into the swarm of flies and passes Donna that way, the woman seemingly was on her way to join her uncles and Cassandra.
Or she was playing hide and seek with Angie, the doll was nowhere to be seen.

,,Do we have some leftovers…", Daniela mumbles as she walks through the kitchen and ends up with a plate full of cheese for Uncle Sal, as well as two bowls of stew. That must have been the lunch Helen and Vaela had since Daniela gave it a little test and didn't taste any… Well, human remains.
She grabbed a bottle of her mothers special wine, sighing lightly when she saw that only two bottles were left and then went to bring the cheese to her uncle.
Cassandra laughed at her and asked if she was hired as a maiden now and Daniela only rolled her eyes.
There she was, trying to be nice for once and that's what she has to face.
Daniela hurries to get back to her mother and decides that for now the quickly desolving remnants of the wine is nothing to worry about. She looks too happy and calm sitting next to Y/N, Daniela didn't want to ruin the good mood.

You wave after your best friend as she leaves the room again and you want to take one of the plates from Alcina, but she shakes her head with a slight smile and takes the spoon.
,,Do you want to feed me?", you ask sceptical and she nods with a playful look.
You raise an eyebrow, biting back a grin. ,,I might be injured but it is not that bad, you know?".
,,Don't you want to make me happy?".
,,If that is the only way…".
Alcina smiles and raises her eyebrows, holding a spoon with stew to your face. ,,It is not, you should know that".
,,I do, actually", you sigh dramatically and finally give in, as you and her both knew you would. 
She chuckles and tilts her head to the side a little.
,,Remember that one time, at the begining when you started working here?".
,,Of course I do", you smile lightly as she raises the spoon again ,,The soup…And my leg was sliced open".
A light sigh escapes your lips and you shake your head.
,,The scar on my calve looks quite impressive, but now that probably my entire body will be covered in scars… Well, it won't exactly stand out anymore".

Then you raise your head and she meets your questioning gaze. ,,I haven't seen myself fully yet. How… How do I look? How bad is it?".
,,The wounds don't make you any less beautiful, darling", Alcina says softly ,,Don't worry about that".
You stare up to her and after a few seconds you nod, not sure if and what to respond.

Alcina changes the subject and asks you about the stew instead and if you like it, and you're thankful for that.
Unlike the last time, she didn't hand you the bowl and spoon so you could eat on your own and therefore it took you some time to finish it, since you both keep on interupting each other and play around a little, something both of you need after what happened earlier.
You also find yourself growing a little tired, so when Alcina places your bowl aside and takes her own, your rest your head against her side and close your eyes.
The woman glances down to you and crooks an eyebrow when she hears light snorring coming from you not even five minutes later, yet a joyful smile creeps over her lips almost instantly and she sighs deeply.
She could never explain how much the sight of you next to her means to her after she had seen your lifeless body on the floor, after thinking she had lost you and she gently runs her fingers through your hair, hoping that for now, she could stop worrying about Miranda.
A few, calm moments with you, that's all she wishes for.
May the heavens be gracious with her for once.

Orphan / female reader x lady dimitrescuWhere stories live. Discover now