Chapter 27 - Restarting

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"You're okay, you're gonna be okay," I said, sobbing. He was fighting to keep his eyes open, and the blood felt like it was neverending. "Race! Romeo! Anyone!" I yelled, feeling Jack reach his hand up and put it against my face.

"Hey," he whispered, and I looked at him. "You're safe now. He'll leave you alone." He said, growing weaker.

"Stay with me, hang on," I begged, and the door flew open, Race running in. He froze, staring at the two of us. "Help me!" I yelled at him, but he didn't budge.

"Crutchie," Jack said, and I looked back to him. He was smiling weakly, and I tried to do the same back. "I love you."

"I- I love you too," I said through my tears, and Jack went completely limp in my arms. "Jack?" Race finally snapped out of it and came to my side, looking at Jack.

"Crutchie he's gone," he said, beginning to cry.

"No, he's okay there's still time-"

"He's gone!" Race yelled, making me look at him. "It's over!" I turned back to Jack, still sobbing.

"Wake up, please," I begged, but he didn't move. "C'mon Jack, wake up!" Race then stood up and grabbed my arm, trying to pull me away.

"We've got to get out of here," he said, but I fought back.

"I'm not leaving him!" I screamed, only crying harder. "Wake up!!" I tried one last time, but before I knew it Romeo was also pulling me away, and I couldn't fight both of them off. I kept screaming for Jack as they dragged me out, feeling like I couldn't breathe.

I shot awake and immediately began sobbing, and I looked around, knowing I was in my childhood bedroom. I desperately searched the room for Jack, but he was nowhere in sight, making me panic more. As I sobbed the door opened, and I flinched away, backing up against the wall.

"Crutchie?" Someone said, but I couldn't tell who it was. "Hey hey, you're alright," the person tried to calm me, but it only made me worse.

"Don't come near me," I said, and the person froze in place. "Don't hurt him," I blurted out, feeling confused.

"Don't hurt who?" The boy asked, and I just stared at them for a moment, trying to catch my breath.

"I don't- I don't know," I got out, and the person moved closer. I tried to back up, but I ran into the wall behind me.

"Do you know who I am?" They asked, and I just shook my head.

"I don't- I don't know what's happening- I-" my breathing was only becoming sharper, and the boy quickly ran into the hall. He returned just seconds later, a second boy behind him.

"It's happening again," he said, and the new boy walked toward me.

"Don't!" I yelled, making him freeze in place.

"It's Race, remember?" The kid said, but I continued to panic.

"Leave him alone- leave- leave me al..." I trailed off, pulling my knees up against my chest.

"You're in the lodging house," the kid said, but I ignored him, shaking worse and worse.

"I want Jack," I sobbed, seeing the boy before me glance at the first one behind him, looking concerned.

"He's right there," he said, but I shook my head.

"He's dead," the two tensed up, seeming unsure of what to do next. "It's my fault, he's dead 'cause of me," I began to ramble.

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