Part 25: Good Old Bonding Time (Monday)

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I woke up at 5AM and went for a run as I did most of the days. It helped me clear my head and set my plan for the day. Since Adam was away, I decided to take my time to bond with wolfs from both packs and get them to hang out together.

When I got to school, I found Lee in the hallway and told him I wanted to sit with the usual crew at lunch. He seemed a bit surprised, but he nodded in agreement.

At lunchtime, we sat at the same table as usual. There was me, Johny, Gina, Lara, Sam, and Lars on one side, and on the other side were Lee, Don, Franky, Hugh, and Carl. Only Adam's seat next to me was empty. The tension from the first few weeks was gone, but they were still talking mostly within their own groups.

When we all got our food, I tried to address everyone: "Hi all! I'm glad everyone is getting along lately, and I can eat together with all of you. I just wanted to say if you need anything when Adam is not here, you can talk to me." As I spoke the last sentence, I looked specifically at Lee and his friends.

Don looked at me with wide eyes and asked: "So does that mean you are our new Alpha now?" Others around him laughed, and Frankey slapped his head jokingly. "Ok, no, I meant Luna. Are you our Luna now?" he rephrased his question, and others laughed even harder.

"No, I'm not replacing Adam, and I'm not your Luna until Adam receives his title. For now, I just want to be your friend and someone you can count on," I explained. They looked happy with my explanation.

I don't think they would be happy with me replacing Adam, which wasn't my intention anyway. I continued: "So, I thought we could have some fun. You guys like playing rugby, right? How about if we have a little match tomorrow after school" I got loud yeahs and cheers from all directions.

"But there will be a twist. Both teams will be mixed with wolves from both packs!" Now their excitement was almost gone. "What? Nooo!" were the words coming from both sides. "How will we know if we beat their ass then?" Don asked. They were all laughing again.

"You won't. You will only beat the opposite team," I explained. "And where is the fun in that?" said Franky this time.

"Ok, I will get as many girls as I can to watch. Will that work? Lee and Johny will be captains. But you have to pick one member from your pack and one member from the other pack in turns, ok?" I tried to get them interested. They seemed to like the idea now, and they were already discussing who should be in each team. I was also getting requests on which girls to invite.

After our lunch, I had to reserve the court and tell everyone else to come and watch. Everyone was getting increasingly excited about the match. I was looking forward to it as well. I just wish Adam was there too.

When I was running my errands, Lara caught up with me. "Hey, so you are too good now to talk to us?" I smiled because I knew she was joking.

But it was true that I didn't hang out with her and Gina as much as I used to. I was either with Adam or busy with pack matters. But the main reason was Adam, and I felt bad about it. I made a mental note to take more time for my friends.

"Sorry about not being around lately. I promise to be better from now on," I tried to make it better. "That's fine; I know you are two love birds are always busy getting it on somewhere. I was talking about your meeting at lunchtime today," Lara said.

I was surprised she brought that up, so I had to ask: "Yeah, what about it?" "You know, the rugby match for the guys..." she tried to explain, but I didn't get it. "What? I thought it would be a fun thing to do for both packs." "Yeah, fun, for guys only, right? We girls get to watch, woohoo, I just can't wait," she said sarcastically.

Now I got it. I organized something for guys only, and girls weren't happy about it. "Oh, you are so right! Hmm, how should I make it right? Any ideas?" I hoped she had something I could use as my mind was totally blank. "See, first of all, you don't really know all of the she-wolves at school. But you know all the guys from Adam's pack, right? Isn't that weird? Why don't you have a meeting with all of us over lunch tomorrow and get to know us all for a start," she said, being serious for a change.

"That's a great idea. Thank you for this Lara, I really should have thought things through. Let me make it right. Can you help me ask all the she-wolves to join me at lunch tomorrow? We will get one of the tables outside," I decided. I was really happy she pointed that out. I was a girl myself, and I didn't want any of them to feel neglected.

In the evening, Adam called me and told me all the details about their trip. He told me they drove for hours by the sea on top of tall cliffs. I wished I could see them one day too.

I was happy to hear the meeting with Wolf's Bane Alpha went well. He was interested and said he wanted to join our pact. Adam said they have been neutral for decades, but now they were feeling nervous about the new instabilities between packs.

They were one of the smaller packs, and they believed the alliance with our two packs could bring the protection they needed.

So now we had Alpha Dominic, probably my dad's two friends, and now this new Alpha was with us too, which was already quite a good number. I didn't want to count Gregory in because I wasn't sure yet if I could trust him. I wanted to talk to Adam about it first, but I wanted to do it in person, so it will have to wait until I see him.

I told Adam about the rugby match I was organizing, and he loved the idea. He was surprised to hear how quickly they all gave in to having mixed teams. It was a great way to help both pack members bond. I also told him about Lara's comment about the girls feeling excluded, and he admitted he hasn't thought about it either. He said it was a good idea for me to meet the girls from his pack and get to know them better.

At the end of our conversation, he told me he would be back the next day evening, and I just couldn't wait because there were so many things I wanted to talk to him about. I hoped he would be back soon enough so we could meet as soon as possible.

*This chapter was a bit shorter, but there will be more coming soon!

**Here's a song by Cyndi Lauper: Girls Just Want To Have Fun

Actually, that's not really the only thing we want, but that's already another story...

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