"I guessed since you weren't in any of the other spots or answered my calls."

"Oh, sorry about that. So, what do you want to do?" She asks as she walks to his side and holds his hand, happy that he was there with her and not the girls or those weird new teens.

She still couldn't get rid of the lingering fear that remains from the look that Harry guy had given her. 'I don't understand it, he's a regular human with no powers. I'm a real mermaid! I have powers! He has none of that! So why can't I get that cold angered look out of my mind and over this ridiculous little fear!?'

"Charlotte, are you listening to me?"

Lewis' voice broke her from her mental ranting and turns to him with a smile. "Sorry, was lost in thought. What did you say?"

"I was saying that I found some information online about your powers."

"But I already know what powers I have and how to use them," she says with a frown on her face.

"Yeah, I know that but I was referring to something else. I took notes for a way for you to be more in tune with your powers that doesn't involve training with them to have better control with them, and a way to learn more powers. It involves meditating and focusing on one at a time until you understand the power more and even not need to focus too much when using them. After that, you should be able to learn a new power!"

Charlotte's eyes widen at that information. Her mind began to think of possibilities should she do the meditation. Not only would she be able to use her powers faster and easier, she'd be more powerful. An actual Super Mermaid. Cleo and the others wouldn't stand a chance against her, not to mention she can get back at Harry and the girl she had hurt. Show them she wasn't someone to be trifled with.

She didn't want to just meditate on one power at a time though, so she came up with an idea. "That's amazing Lewis! Where did you get this information from?"

"Just a website that I can't remember the name of from the top of my head right this second." He answers, hoping Charlotte buys the weak excuse. Luckily for him, she does.

"That's alright. Lets see the notes and work from there!" Charlotte said, while mentally ready to meditate on more than one power at a time.


The meditating hadn't gone as planned and Lewis wasn't sure why that was.

He had explained to her what to do and suggested which power to start on, along with a place on Mako that wasn't the Moon Pool to help her meditate.

However, the moment she had closed her eyes and seemed to be meditating, her powers acted up and started to cause damage to the surrounding area, almost hurting him every single time. He thought she was too excited and her powers reacted to that excitement. His encourage and understanding words though, seemed to make her more and more aggravated.

For her part, Charlotte's optimism slowly left her the more she tried to meditate with more than one power. She wasn't able to get the hang of it and neither did she try doing just one power at a time like Lewis and the notes recommended. She was a True Mermaid! She should be able to do this with ease, but instead her powers got a bit out of hand!

After hours of the same results with no improvements, Charlotte gives up. "This is so pointless!" She shouts and starts to stomp away, not even looking at the damage she had done or asking if Lewis was alright. "Why didn't it work! I did what the notes said and what you suggested!" She turns to him before reaching the water. "That site must have been a fake Lewis, it's the only explanation!"

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