f i f t y - t w o

Start from the beginning

ok right, i grab the plane tickets, put them into the envelope i had, i grab his card and take my time writing out what i wanted to say to him.

dear ross,

happy birthday my love <3

everything you've done for me i can't tell you how much i appreciate it, you're it for me.

it may sound stupid and we are young but i want to grow up with you, no i want to grow old with you.

marry you.

have children with you.

buy a house with you.

and do so many more spontaneous things that i cant even think off right now.

i love you so much i cant tell you in words.

i hope you enjoy what you've got coming for you in the envelope.

you mean the world to me angel.

i'm so happy i waited for you, i fought for you and i'll happily do it over and over again.

lots of love

kenzie x

i smiled as i finally finished writing his card, i had a lot more i was planning on saying but couldn't put into words

after i finished placing the card in the same envelope as the tickets i sealed it with a lick of my lips and into the bag along with his presents

i hadn't gone crazy and got him a lot because, trust me, those tickets were enough money so i hope he knows how much he means to me after this.

i hope he does already though.


okay anyways, standing up i grab his two bags of presents and make sure you can't see anything over the wrapping at the top, i then get my suitcase and throw my bag on my back, with a struggle i manage to open my door and make my way out to the landing

"kenzie!" i heard one of my siblings shout from their bedrooms

i pause "yes" i say rather fast

"can you shut up!!" when they shout back i am 100% sure that's maddie screaming at me

"sorry" i mutter even though she cant hear me

i mean i was making rather a lot of noise, banging two bags and a suitcase down the stairs.

i swear i'm having deja vu, i'm always here taking stuff down the stairs.

anyways...finally downstairs i leave everything where it needs to be for me in the morning, or a few hours.

i rush back up stairs into my bathroom to get ready for bed, jumping in the shower quick and washing my hair through

i get out after having my little sing song to r5 of course, i brush my hair after throwing a t-shirt and some old comfy shorts on that were far too big - might have been ross'

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