f o r t y - e i g h t

257 4 2

24th december
kenzie louise

the past week has been busy to say the least, it's currently christmas eve and i am rushing around wrapping the last of ross' presents.

our families are having christmas together, at the lynchs, which is what couldn't have asked more for.

they are like family to my family and things couldn't be better between me and ross at the moment, it's his birthday in a few days and i have the perfect present set out for him, and i hope he loves it

it's currently 11pm on a friday night and i am at my own house, ross is on his way to pick me up and take me back to his house while the others find their own ways there, and i was more than excited.

finishing up the last present there's a vibrating noise in the side of my pocket, i pull my phone from my leggings and read the message

ross😎🖤 - i'm here x

the butterflies swarm in my stomach and i get all flustered, i pick myself up and grab the bag from the floor next to me, i put the final presents in and tie the bag shut, gathering all my stuff together for the next few days i get everything together and make my way downstairs.

at the bottom of the stairs was ross, his blonde hair damp from snow, his black converse look slightly wet too, he was in black jeans and a black puffer coat with a white shirt underneath, looking perfect like always.

i take a deep breath and try hide the smile as ross keeps his hands in his pockets, a little shoulder shrug before smiling at me, i look down at my fluffy socks before walking down the stairs

a black bag of presents in my hand and my bag on my shoulder i struggle my way down the stairs, when i get to the bottom ross steps forward, taking both of my bags and placing them by the front door before coming up to me on the edge of the last step

his hands make their way around my stomach and he takes a look at me before leaning in and kissing me softly, my hands on his cold red cheeks as he kisses me.

he pulls away too soon and picks me up of the last step, placing me down he kisses my forehead coldly before taking another deep breath

"ready?" he asks with a slight smile

i look at him and down at all my belongings, i play with the ring on my finger as i nod shyly trying to hide the excitement on my face inside.

he smiled at me before i step down, he turns and grabs the bags before opening the door painfully and holding it open with his foot as i slip my shoes on.

tying the laces of my dirty white converse quickly i smile at him as he nods eagerly towards the door, i shake my head with a small laugh before heading out into the blizzard

in only a jumper and leggings with my hair in a low pony i hold my arms together, rubbing them slightly to cause friction and warmth to my body.

ross let's the front door slam behind him as he makes his way out, the wind blowing both of our hairs around wildly in the wind so i could barely see.

his eyebrows raise when it gets to getting in the car, i furrow my eyebrows as he darts his head towards his coat pocket, i laugh under my breath at the fact his keys are stuck in his pocket and he has no hands to get them

the wind picks up and it starts to snow heavier and heavier by the second, i take the chance and run over to ross on the other side of the car, unzipping his pocket and stealing his keys i fumble them around in my hands trying to quickly find the button as i drop them straight on the floor

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