n i n e

851 14 7

july 2014
kenzie louise

"what? where? how long? why?" i sat up fully whilst ross had both hands over his eyes

"kenzie please let me explain" he sat up at grabbed both my arms making me face him

i took a deep breath and waited for him to continue

"we graduate from high school next month, we go back at the end of august for graduation yes?"

i just nodded, i didnt have many words and if i did, they would sound hurtful, and i'm not trying to hurt him right now

"after graduation, we're going on tour for eight months" he moved his hands down to mine and took them in his

i felt my eyes starting water as my mouth was stuck open a little from my lack or words

"eight m-months?" i stutter

i furrow my eyebrows and try to swallow all my emotions

"yes, but i promise, we can get through this, we have a month or two together, it's your birthday soon and i'm happy i can spend it with you, i really want to make this work kenzie" he gave me puppy dog eyes and i couldn't resist

"we can try but do the others know?" i took me a while to find a sentence, i had so many questions but that's all i could say right now

"yeah...we had planned to tell you all tonight" he sighed and put his head down looking at ours hands

i put my head down trying to hide the fact i'm about to burst out in tears

he squeezes my hand giving me some kind of reassurance

"ross?" i whisper as my voice begins to break

"yes?" he lets one of my hands go and places under my chin making me look up at him

"why do you like me?" i spat out

he went silent before i continued myself "like, why did you just come up to me after school?"

"kenzie, i knew i had feelings for you the day i walked in choir, i just couldn't tell you" he showed me a slight smile before i return it

it had only been a few days since i met him but i really do have hope for us, im just scared to see how it goes

"i want it to work" i nod slightly as i feel a tear fall from my eye

"it will, i promise, i will call you everyday, i really like you kenz" he laughs a little trying to brighten the mood

i nod in agreement and take my hand and wipe my tears from my face, i look back up as he lifts my head up to face him completely

"i really like you too" i whisper with a weak smile

before i knew it our lips were just infront of eachothers, we were so close i could feel his breath on me, i shut my eyes as our lips connect making my heart throb like crazy

i feel ross starting to smile as we get into the kiss, i take my hand and place it on the back of his neck playing with his hair slightly before he grabs my waits and leans back pulling me down onto him

i pull away to breath for a moment and before i knew it his lips crashed against mine as he pulls my lower back down onto him


a few hours go by and it's around 9pm and everyones sat down on the landing, we had mattresses all pushed together with blankets and pillows absolutely everywhere

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