t w e n t y - f o u r

396 7 1

july 2014
kenzie louise

the next morning we spent the day just relaxing, last night was tiring and we needed to clean the house

i woke up and didn't even bother getting ready, i went to the kitchen and started putting the old red solo cups into a bag

when everyone else woke up they helped a little, i was now 18.

we argued on what movie to watch, obviously ross wanted to watch romeo and juliet; but everyone disagreed, so we ended up watching frozen

do i know why? nope.

i snuggled up with ross when rocky pressed play


we ended up staying at the house for another week and a half, it was tuesday today and we had planned on leaving on friday


the days flash before my eyes and it was coming to the end of july, we still had another month left but i knew when they left it would be hard

vanni and her friends ended up coming around a lot more due to the fact vanni and riker were getting closer, ollie kept his boundaries but admitted his feelings for me the other week

ross kept calm about it but still wasn't happy about it.
definitely wasn't happy.


we ended up staying at the house for around another month, it was coming to the end of august and we headed back today

it was currently early morning and me and me and ross were snuggled in bed, our bags were packed neatly by the door whilst we were waiting for the others to finish packing

my phone vibrated in the waistband of my leggings, i pulled it out to see a text from mia

"hey, i know your leaving today, when's our goodbye 😪"

i laughed slightly at her message before thou a reply

"we're leaving at 12, we have 3 more hours if you wanna come over now?"


"who's that?" ross said shuffling his head to face me

"mia, there coming over in a bit to say goodbye" i said as i locked my phone

"okay" he shrugged with a smile before leaning his head back onto mine


a few hours went by and everyone was sat in the front room, once again debating on what movie to watch

"please can we watch romeo and juliet!" ross begged

i nodded actually wanting to see what this film was all about

"see! kenzie wants to" he pleaded once again

"let's just see what it's all about" mia rolled her eyes

ross clapped in excitement as riker gave in and put romeo and juliet on


"it's actually really good" i laughed a little halfway through the film

i was snugggled in ross' chest, i look up to see him looking at me with a huge smile on his face

i took some popcorn and popped it in his mouth, he laughed a little before munching annoyingly in my ear

"can you not" i laugh smacking his chest

"sorry" he said with a huge smile and food in his mouth

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