t h i r t y - n i n e

285 5 0

august 2014
kenzie louise

"come on!! it's been two weekssss, i know your upset still but you have to help me at work, mitch is so annoying" megan said dragging my hand attempting to get me out of bed

i groaned "i'm allowed to be upset!"

"look, i know okay, but your mother would want you to be happy, and sitting in your room and not showering for a week or replying to either mine or anyone else's messages isnt being happy" she rambled

i sighed knowing she was right

"ok fine, go downstairs, i'll shower and come down" i sat sitting up

i rubbed my eyes "what day is it?"

"friday" she shrugged

"fuck sake" i leant my head into my hands knowing we had to work today

after a long few minutes i pulled myself out of bed and into the bathroom.

i washed my face for the first time in what felt like forever before hopping in the shower, i didn't even know the time but i took it slow

these past two weeks felt like an eternity. i hadn't been up very much as i spent most my time in bed grieving

i wouldn't check my phone very often; only when i really needed too

ross would facetime me a lot, we wouldn't at very much but he insisted and if course i gave in

i hadn't seen much of my dad, he would still get up most days and cook full meals for everyone and sit down at the table but no one would ever go, he would leave our food outside the door.

of course i felt bad but i had no effort or motivation to get up; it was draining.

after i had showered i changed into another pair of joggers, i felt like i was living in these.

i paired it with an over sized t-shirt that was actually ross' but no one would ever know that

on the topic of ross; him and his bands instagram were now at 500k, which was insane.

they were growing across different countries and it was all becoming one big fantasy

most of their shows consisted of performing in pubs or small shows in town but now they were performing at festivals and actual events; it was crazy to see them up there.

ross has been extra careful around me, he would ask me everyday how i was feeling and if i needed anything which everytime i said the same thing, no, i didn't need anything but i would just say i'm ok.

he knew i was lying and i knew i was lying to myself aswell but if he worried it'll be even worse.

i made my way downstairs after what felt like forever only to see megan and my dad in the kitchen talking

my dad was wiping the side down which wasn't necessary but he still tries, whilst megan had a cup in her with what i'm guessing was coffee

"hey" i said in monotone when i walked into the room feeling bored already

they both faced me

"oh your ready" megan said before taking another sip and placing the cup down on the side

my dad stopped what he was doing and flashed me a smile, like he was proud of me.

i returned the smile before megan walked up to me and grabbed my shoulders from behind

"let's get you out of this house" she shook my shoulder as i groaned

"yes! go" my dad encouraged

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