3-do you have proof ??

Depuis le début

suddenly I heard sounds of firing and opened my mom to see sweating very badly and catching my hands tightly. 

'' Mumma what's happening '' I asked looking at her tense face, ''don't worry Abhi, everything will be alright your father will be coming '' she said and opened her handbag, she took a gun out of the handbag. 

I saw all the bodyguards lying lifeless on the ground, slowly my mom opened the door and carried me in her arms, and started running into the forest, she used the gun for defense. 

after 5 min she dropped me near a tree, ''Abhi you are mummas good boy right'' she asked looking into my eyes, I nodded my head, ''good, there's a small bush of flowers there, you can see that right, now go and stay in that until I come '' she said. 

''but mom, '' I hesitated, ''just do what I say, honey, don't come out until I or dad call you'' she said. 

''okay '' I said looking into her teary eyes, ''that's my boy '' she said and kissed me on my forehead. I immediately ran into the bush and hid in that.

suddenly I heard my mom shouting in pain, I saw them killing my mom, tears started flowing from my eyes, I covered my mouth to stop my sobs. 

flashback ends ........



I was fascinated by the building in front of me, ''this is really beautiful diya '' I said and smiled at her . ''come in Anjali, we are going to spend a lot of time here ''diya said.

Italy was more beautiful than I imagined, and Sicily city is heaven.

''okay you take rest Anjali, I will get freshen up and make us dinner'' diya said and left to her room. 

I went to my room and quickly sat on my bed and opened my laptop, immediately I checked for the flights to go to Milan city, it's in 2hrs, I have to leave from this house as soon as possible.  

[ Sicily to Milan - the journey which will change lives] 

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[ Sicily to Milan - the journey which will change lives] 

I am not going to tell anything to diya because I don't want her to get into trouble because of me and moreover where ever I step people are searching for me.

I took my notepad and wrote a small note for diya, 

dear diya, please don't search for me, I am going to find some truths, and I promise you that I will tell you everything after I come, take care. 

I took my stuff and slowly opened the door and went outside, I reached the airport where the plane arrived. 

who will be living in that mansion now? why don't I know anything about this? 

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