chapter 97 ~ 𝑫𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 15𝒕𝒉, 2019

Start from the beginning

       A laugh slipped from my throat and Namjoon offered me a toothy grin in return. We walked casually downstairs into the kitchen where we found Yoongi with a pot of coffee heating up on the counter. He already had a mug pressed to his thin, pink lips, and upon seeing us enter the room, he reached high for fresh mugs from the top cabinet.

       "Funny seeing you two together," the brunet commented. "Can I make you a cup?"

       "Thanks, hyung," Namjoon nodded. I nodded eagerly as well, longing for the bittersweet taste of creamer and coffee to trail down my throat.

       Yoongi tipped his head in reply and began to refill the pot with freshly brewed coffee. Instead of sidling up next to him, I teetered to the side and let my head rest carefully on Namjoon's upper arm. He seemed taken aback by my sudden closeness, but let me curl closer to his as he leaned back against the island countertop. Over his shoulder, the oldest eyed us with furrowed brows, taking in the unexpected sight with his dark eyes narrowed.

       "Did I miss something?" he queried.

      "I apologized to Yumin this morning. She didn't deserve what I said to her."

      "Ah, thank God you've finally decided to pull your head out of your ass." Yoongi filled a mug with one part creamer and three parts coffee and offered it to the white-haired man. "So, you guys are alright, now?"

       "Yeah, we're fine," I smiled softly. "Namjoon's my friend now."

       "Friends, now I didn't see that coming. You don't think you'll be at each other's throats by the end of the week?"

       "Hyung, I know what I did was fucked up-"


      "But, you know I'm not that bad a person."

      "No, you're not."

       Yoongi walked over and offered me my mug with both hands extended around the sides. The content's warmth seeped into my hands and made me feel sluggish at the start of the morning. I liked it, and my smile blossomed across my face.

      "Maybe you should let Yumin kick you. Just for payback."

       "God, no. I'd rather wait on her hand and foot for the next week."

       "I'm holding you to that," I blurted.

       "Fine." Namjoon's free arm snaked around my shoulder and pulled me in closer. "I'll be your butler for the next week as an apology."

       "Sounds perfect, Namjoon."

       "You can call me Joon if you want. Since we're friends now..."

       "Can I call you Joonie?"

        "We haven't called you Joonie in forever," Yoongi commented. "I kind of miss it."

       I beamed brightly up at the taller man I rested against, finding him with a slack face and flushed cheeks. He glanced down at me out of the corner of his eyes and slowly extended his lower jaw. It seemed almost out of agitation, but a moment ticked by and he let out a low chuckle as a smile threatened to tug his thin lips upward. 

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