Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Niall's POV

Justin goes on and on talking about the girl in the auditorium. I mean seriously, could he just shut up for once? The video of her singing had gone spiral and to be honest she was a really good singer. But constantly hearing the same thing over and over again was exhausting. Though to be fair, I talked about Lindsey, my Starbucks crush... Way more than Justin talks about his so called 'singing angel'.

"Hey Justin, I think I'm gonna head on back home." I say and he nods. "Alright. Be sure to tell Lindsey hi for me." Justin winks knowing I was planning to stop by to get some coffee. I slap the back of his head teasingly, "Whatever. Tonight is different. I'm going to walk in there and ask her out." I say matter-of-factly. Justin snorts, "Good luck. You and I both know you'll freeze." He waves and I groan walking out of the door and towards Starbucks using my old car to get there.

I step out once I arrive happily. I froze in my tracts though. Darn it... If I'm already getting cold feet here then I will be worse in front of her. I sigh grabbing my guitar. It's the best thing I can think of. I don't get nervous when I sing... It calms me down. And I'm determined to ask her tonight. I'm tired of putting this off. I stride into the small Starbucks and quietly sit down in a high chair. The people around me were quietly drinking their coffee and some enjoying their conversations.

I look over to the counter and see Lindsey reading one of her books. She obviously loved reading. "Lindsey, stop reading during work hours. You always do this!" The manager snaps grabbing her book from her. She gasps, "Hey that's mine!" She tries snatching it back but he just walks into the back with it. She sighs sitting on the stool doing nothing. What a jerk the manager was. I take a deep breath and lay my guitar down, walking up to her. "Hi." I mumble shyly.

She looks up with her sad puppy eyes but when she sees it's me they light up and she stands up quickly. "Niall! Um hey." She blushes pulling a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Hey Lindsey." I giggle and she smiles lightly, "The usual?" She asks and I shake my head. She looks at me confused. "Um, Lindsey... Can I show you something?" I ask biting my lip. She smiles nodding, "Sure." I grin excitedly and quickly walk over to my guitar. I sit on the table and she looks around seeing if anyone was watching.

When she realised the manager was busy, she takes off her apron and walks over. She sits on the stool beside me. "What is it?" She giggles. "Well... Just listen and then tell me what you think." I say and she nods. I take a deep breath and play my guitar, "I wanna tell you things

I never tell myself

These secrets hurt like hell, oh

Call me crazy, maybe I'm insanely

Out of my mind but it'll never phase me

If I have to, I'm not afraid to

Save my heart for you

I'm a rebel even if it's trouble

I'ma pull you out from the rubble

If I have to, I'm not afraid to

Save my heart for you

Tell me I'm wrong

Turn around and run

Still I'm gonna save my heart for you." I continue through the song and look up to her on the bridge of it.

"The first time that you smiled

So shyly back at me

I couldn't help myself." I sing the chorus again and by now everyone was watching and clapping along to the sing. Lindsey was blushing like crazy.

"I want what I can't have

I'm gonna make you mine

No matter what it takes..." I finish laying my guitar down. "Lindsey..." I grab her hands in mine, "Will you go out with me?" Everyone awed.

She smiles opening her mouth but a few words cut her off. Those words that make my heart shatter into a million pieces. My mind telling me that this was reality when it came to a beautiful girl like Lindsey. There's no way you can have a girl like her. My brain yelled as my heart sunk with those next three words.......................................

"She's my girlfriend." Said the young Starbucks manager.

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