Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Taylor's POV

I storm upstairs and barge through Rachel's door. I cross my arms and scold her. She groans sitting up and looking at me tiredly. It was morning and we needed to get to school. But right now, I needed to talk to Rachel. "Rachel, why did you take my car???!?!" I ask walking up to her and pulling her out of bed. She hits the floor with a thud and bickers at me under her breath. "I wanted to take Louis to the mall! Okay?" She groans walking past me and I grab her arm pulling her back.

"Louis? As in... Louis Tomlinson?" I ask nervously. Rachel nods, "Yeah. You know the boy with brown hair and beautiful blue eyes? He's pretty lean and-" "And blind." I mutter. She looks at me confused. "So what if he's blind?" "So... It's like social suicide being seen with him and that friend of his!" I sigh rubbing the back of my head then I look up in shock. "Wait... Beautiful blue eyes?" I ask raising my eyebrows. Rachel blushes, "I-I mean like... Just really uh... U-um nice blue eyes..." She stutters.

"You like him, don't you?" I ask sighing. "A little... And it's not bad being seen around him. I don't care what your little friends think of Louis and by the way, the name is Harry." She snaps glaring at me with a fire that made my gut twist. She really cared about these guys. I wasn't some jerk or anything. I just... I was popular in school and I have friends. I don't want to become an outcast and I don't want my best friend being one. The people at school could be very mean.

No one would ever hurt a blind kid, but things are said about him all the time. And his friend Harry... It made me sick when a memory came to my mind. When the football played literally beat him so bad he went to the hospital. Everyone knew Harry was a suicide possibility. He use to cut his arms and cover it with bracelets. I've always felt a lot of pity for Harry. He never fought back against all the people who would knock him down. And why does everyone treat him like this? His mom.

His mother had an affair with our principle years ago. After that, the principle started giving Harry special treatment. Harry was also very... Smart. Everyone knew about his amazing skills in studies. He was a nerd, what's called a women's mistake, broke and very different. Something about him caught my eye though... And it was memories... That sparkle in his eyes...

I remembered everything like it had just happened.


"Taylor, you got that wrong." I look up to my close friend, Harry and groan in frustration. "I'm tired of studying, Harry!" I complain pouting. "Let's go play!" I beg. He shakes his head, "Don't you want to go to high school with me?" I nod slowly. "Well then you need to get this problem!" Harry giggles. My mom walked in the door and at the sight of us, her face kit up in a bright welcoming smile. "Hello Harry!" She greets him giving him a small hug.


He blushes hugging her back. "How's your mother?" She asks worriedly letting go of Harry and begins cooking. Harry and I were sitting at the kitchen table. "She's... Drunk again..." He sighs sadly. I hug Harry around his neck. "It's okay, Harry. She'll get better soon!" I try to convince him. He smiles hugging me back. "Mom, can Harry and I go play?" I ask giving her the puppy eyes. Harry does the same and she agrees laughing. Harry and I rush out the door excitedly. "I'll race you to Bakers." He says winking.

I grin, "You're on!" We both run as fast as we can towards Bakers candy shop. Of course, I win. I still had a gut feeling Harry always let me win though. "Two chocolate bars please!" I say to Mrs Baker. She smiles at us both and I hand her my loose change. Harry and I walk to the swamp hand and hand. In my spare hand, I was shoving chocolate in my mouth. "I like this." He says blushing just a bit. "Like what?" I ask as we walk onto the dock.

I sit down on the edge like we'd always done ever since I moved here years ago. I missed my best friend from home, Rachel. But nobody could replace Harry. "You." He giggles nervous. "I like you a lot, Taylor..." He admits. I bite my lip sighing. "Harry... What do you mean?" I ask timidly. I didn't like Harry more than a friend. "I like you. A lot. I've always had this huge crush on you-" I stand up, "Um Harry... You really shouldn't say that. We're only 14..." I say. The look of pain on his face broke my heart in half.

"But Taylor... I love you." That made me a bit scared. How could he love me? We're so young and I'm not ready to love someone or be in a relationship... "Harry, I only like you as a friend." I say looking to the ground. He stands up and begins walking the other way. "Harry, wait!" I try grabbing his arm. He yanks it away from me looking into my eyes. Tears spilled out of them as he shook his head, "I don't want to speak to you." He sobs out walking away and I just stand there. In shock from what had happened


Harry never spoke to me again. I had broken his heart. Months later I became very bitter at how unfair he had been. I ended up with Blane months later and I made new friends. Different friends. Better friends I guess... Harry tried talking to me again, but right in front of my friends... I treated him like a complete stranger. Blane has changed me... And deep down, I knew I missed Harry like crazy. But Harry and I could never be together. It's not meant to be.

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