"a picture of you and..."

toga stopped her words and picked up the picture.






you were already out of breath but you couldn't release yourself from getting air to avoid izuku from getting you.

"what is it toga?" he asked

"it's a picture of you and...y/n.." she said.

he widened his eyes in shock and he quickly went to toga.

you slowly exhale getting breath, and you saw izuku and toga looking at the picture. tears were filling your eyes as you were scared for your life when you saw that izuku wasn't the same.

"my best friend..." he said

"IZUKU SNAP OUT OF IT! YOU'RE OVER UA!" toga yells at him and slap him to reality.

izuku comes back to reality and stares at the picture again, he was holding your phone with you holding up a peace sign and he was smiling when he was hugging you with one arm.

you saw him put the picture in his pocket when toga wasn't looking and he walked out the cabin with toga.

you walk out of your hiding spot and quickly grab your things to make your quick escape.

you run out the cabin slamming the door behind which caught deku's and toga's attention which caused them to go back to the cabin.

you quickly run deep into the forest and stop where you could catch your breath. you then saw 2 shadows quickly run around you.

you activated your quirk to defend yourself backing away until you bump into someone behind you. you look up and see deku who was hysterically smiling.

he pushed you to the ground getting on top of you raising his knife, you used your quirk to get him off of you totally forgetting about toga.

toga quickly ran towards you slashing her knife on your cheek which caused you to de-activate your quirk and deku caught you by grabbing your neck and turning you towards him, his hand still around your neck.

"oh..it's so nice to see you again!" deku said

you didn't want to speak as you were struggling with his grip and you tried to escape from him by using your quirk but he slowly activated one for all and it caused you to turn off your quirk.

"good doll..." he said

"d-deku..what happened to you..you're not the same.." you ask him

he let go of you and walked around you as toga was sitting on a huge tree branch, while you were just standing there.

"hm. you see..ever since all might crushed my dream of becoming a hero. i didn't want to be apart of the hero life anymore..i decided to become a villain. pretty sure you weren't expecting me to be this way. you were probably expecting me to be at home with my mom helping her. but nope! i became what i decided to become.

"A Villain..."

you stare at him in shock and you were terrified of how he changed from innocent to disgraceful. you heard him hysterically laugh and you begin to run off out of his sight as far as you could but you tripped.

you were already rolling down a hill, you were already getting slight wounds as blood was still running down your cheek, you hit a rock that caused you to scream in pain as how hard you hit your ankle.

then you hit your head pretty hard on a tree that caused you to be unconscious. your ears were ringing and you saw deku and toga looking over you both villains smiling.

"Sleep Well Doll~"

was the last thing you heard before blacking out.


toxic - v!deku [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now