More Jokes 4

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More jokes for you...

A man went to Switzerland for a holiday but did not know what to do there. There he ask a customer at a coffeehouse, "What is the best thing about Switzerland?" The other man replied, "I don't know, but the flag has a big plus."

I laughed on that, seriously.

Where are average things manufactured?

In the satisfactory.

Another one...

Why should you keep your new calendar in the fridge?

So you can start the new year feeling cool!

A few more...

Why can't you trust atoms?

They make up everything!



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Hehe, funny huh?

"Break a leg!" Tom said to his friend before the race. His friend, John, then jumped off the building a broke his leg. "I told you to win, not the literal meaning!"

Disclaimer: I'm the friend of this Wattpad user hehe... just helping her write the book... and this a real short chapter.

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