50 [A Seedy Place]

Start from the beginning

I tasted the watermelon slice. It was very refreshing, but small.

"'Ey gus," Skeppy said through his mouthful. "I was thinkin it'd be cwool if we budt a widdle pool." He swallowed. "Like as a surprise for when they get back. Also we might be able to fish in it but I dunno."

"Okay." I didn't understand a lot of that if I'm being honest. "What about the other stuff we need to do, though?"

"Yeah so- we need to go out and find some water to bring back here, right? So on the way back we can bring the animals we find in the field and start breeding them or whatever."

"I thought Bad did a thing to make infinite water at one time," a6d said with a confused look. "Can't you do that for the uhh... pool?"

Skeppy rolled his eyes. "Okay yes, but I kinda really wanna get out of here and explore. This village is tiny."

I thought someone said at one point that it was big for a village, but I didn't bring it up.
"I think we can explore as long as we're safe and we bring back animals," I said carefully. "We have to be careful though."

"Yeah, yeah, of course." Skeppy sprung up as Mob barked and stood also.
"Come on, I'll lead the way, Dream, you watch a6d."

He walked through the garden and punched some wheat and potatoes, putting them in his bag with the seeds that fell on the ground. "We can replant that later. Come on, Mob!"

I followed him uncertainly, holding a6d's hand because that was the easiest way to lead him.
We went to the wall that faced the widest part of the field.
Skeppy showed us a trick with towers. If you make higher and higher towers that are one block apart, then players can go up but mobs can't. He made two and then a normal staircase so it would be easier for a6d. Ian and Mob watched from the ground.
I went first to practice my MLG on the other side, then a6d and Skeppy fell in my water. The pets just appeared next to us.

We followed Skeppy out into the field. It was very pretty. Most of the grass was up to our chests but soft and spaced out. I admired the flowers and handed some to a6d. He said he couldn't remember what some of them looked like, but they smiled nice and he was sure they were pretty.

I wondered which one was George's favorite. Skeppy picked some poppies idly.

We passed the towers and blocks that a6d and I put down when we were fighting monsters. They looked shorter in the daylight.

Skeppy handed raw potatoes to me to hold and gave a6d some seeds. He told us to keep them out so animals would follow us. He pranced ahead with a carefree attitude, carrying some wheat stalks in his left hand.

"Woooo, it's such a nice day, isn't it guys? Isn't it Mob?! Yes it is! It is!" He laughed.

I smiled and enjoyed the fair weather. A cool breeze played on my face and ruffled my hair a little bit. I took my helmet off and tucked it away.
Another breeze swept my hair around and I almost laughed, feeling more relaxed. The sun was pleasant and warm, and the air smelled like flowers.

I heard an oink and looked down to see a pig following us. It caught up to me and sniffed at the potatoes I was holding.
"Hello," I said. It was a little weird that it was bigger than Skeppy's dog, but it seemed passive.

"Uh, Skeppy?"

Skeppy waved the wheat at some nearby cows. "Don't give it to them, just keep holding the food. Oh hey look, water. Told you so."

There was a little impression in the earth with a few blocks deep but almost a dozen across. A few chickens were flapping around the bottom.
I stopped a6d from walking into it.

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