"Mean!" He said shocked, then leaned over to me and started smelling me. I smiled and ran a hand through his hair.

"He smells like... good!" Niall told Liam and climbed on to my lap.

"He is my favorite, like Superman." He informed us and continued to drink his yogurt. I wrapped an arm around his waist and started to eat my apple.

When all of us were done eating and drinking our food, Niall seemed happy with his full belly and the fact he was in a room with two other people only made it better for him. He would tell us about all the superheroes he liked and he would tell us about all the toys he has in his room. Liam and I would look at each other and share a look of fondness for the young minded boy, then looked back him.

Niall stopped talking all of a sudden and looked at the clock. It was 8:00 at night, for me and Liam movie night starts in an hour, but when he saw the time he stood up from my bed and got his toy too.

"It's bed time." He told me, but I didn't want him to leave yet. I liked hearing his Irish voice telling us about superheroes and I liked how his blue eyes lite up as he talked, just so happy people were listening to him.

"I'll walk you to your room." I stood up and gave Liam a look to wait for me here while I went with the blonde boy. He nodded and picked up his book to start reading again.

I followed Niall straight down the hall to his room that as at the end. I had no idea our rooms were so close, I don't know how I've never noticed that. Well, now that I know he's so close I made a mental note to keep an eye on him from now on.

He opened his door and I smiled at his room. It was completely decorated with different superheroe things and school books, as well as some clothes on his floor. He walked in and set down his toy and, without any warning, he ripped off his shirt. At first I felt myself getting a bit excited, which made me feel do disgusted with myself, then I got a good look of his thin body and saw he had bruses all over him that contrasted with his cream skin.

He took off his jeans, struggling with getting the button through the hole and undoing the zipper. I looked away from him when he started taking them off.

"Niall, I'm, uh..." I said as I started going to the door. He had just slipped on a batman pajama shirt then came running to me, grabbing my hand.

"I want you!" He said, his big blue eyes looking like they were filling with tears. I liked how he said those three words, but in my heart I knew that he couldn't process his words fast enough to get his point across to me.

"Well finish putting your pajamas on and I'll tuck you in to bed, okay?" I told him, putting a gentle hand on his now brused cheek. He nodded and went back over to get his bottoms on. I saw that he was wearing a pair of brief underwear that made his bum look- I blushed and looked away from him until he was completely dressed. He climbed into his bed and sat there looking at me like he was afraid I might leave. I walked over to him and moved the blankets back so he could climb under them.

He laid back on his pillow and smiled softly. I pulled the blanks back over him and tickled him a bit so he would giggle. I got just what I wanted when the cute sound came out of his mouth and he squirmed a bit.

"Night, Niall." I told him after he stoped his giggling. He reached one of his hands up and placed it on my jaw, running his fingers over the bone. I smiled at his actions, but let him continue to do that.

"Just like a prince charming." He whispered, then moved his fingers away from me. I leaned forward and put a kiss on his forehead.

"Just like a princess." I whispered back to him and ran my fingers over his brused cheek. His blue eyes shut and a sigh left his lips.

My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now