01 - Red Alert

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01 – Red Alert

"Get out the way!!"

As a tall male hovered over civilians, he chased a green square-faced alien flying pass with his robot. "Clear the streets from two blocks!" "On it, Boboiboy." The two males stated as Boboiboy was in his Whirlwind form, flying pass the multiple enemies whilst avoiding injuring civilians.

"Mode: Mecha Probe!" Boboiboy looked towards the robot, seeing that he had guns pointing at him. "Like I'd let you!" Fang's voice stated, soon going upwards from the shadows, the dark seemingly long tentacles coming out to hold Probe back.

"Diamond Transformation!"

As Adudu turned his mechanical friend, the robot was hit directly on the head, being thrown off balance as Whirlwind raised his hand. Adudu and Probe both panicked as they saw the male with a smirk. "Wind Sorcery!" Whirlwind yelled as the air completely spiraled into his control, seemingly throwing Adudu into the air as Fang's shadow grasp quickly detained Probe. Whirlwind snapped his fingers, letting Adudu fall as Gopal changed a part of the floor into jelly, making Adudu land safely, but stuck.

As the pair shivered upon hearing the footsteps coming closer, they slowly looked up to see Boboiboy with an enigmatic smile, making them unsettled. "Red Alert. Red Alert. Astroma Sector A compromised. Astroma Sector A compri—Sector B under attack." Fang immediately looked down at his watch, opening a holographic map of the Astroma Ship. Boboiboy shifted back to his normal form.

"GUYS!" A yellow robot appeared, a portal behind him. "Ochobot? What are you doing here?" Gopal asked with confusion, making the robot sigh. "No time! The station is under attack!" Ochobot stated as they carried Adudu and Probe into a shadow cage and bringing him back to the station.

Upon arrival, the three were shocked by the panicked dystopia and the imbalanced gravity in the station. "Admiral Boboiboy and Fang. To control room, now!" Maskmana stated as the two rushed off, leaving Adudu scared, and hiding behind Gopal who rolled his eyes. As the Admirals walked towards Control room, they were shocked by the door bursting open.

"Look out!"

Fang yelled as they stepped to the side, avoiding the impact of the door. Both were soon rendered shocked to see Maskmana on the ground slightly exhausted. "Maskamana! Are you okay?!" Boboiboy asked as he was about to help the male, he was shocked by the loud thud in control room. "Help Tarung! Now." Maskamana stated as the two rushed in to see a large hole into the window of the spaceship, making them look around, seeing oxygen masks, wearing them as they approached Tarung.

"Sir!" "Get back!" Tarung yelled as he was empowered by the smaller figure. As Fang was about to attack, they were shocked by someone breaking through the wall, landing on the ground as they were wide-eyed.

 As Fang was about to attack, they were shocked by someone breaking through the wall, landing on the ground as they were wide-eyed

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"A-Admiral Tarung?!" Boboiboy exclaimed as he saw a horned male, staring back at him with a wicked grin. "Not a bad land for a mere alien of such." The horned Tarung stated as he stood properly, making a figure land, seeing Kaizo present. "I'd prefer not to test me." Kaizo stated as he saw the ships state, glaring at the smaller masculine figure that stood against Tarung. "Hm~ did you mess up, M'lord?" The smaller figure spoke in a calm voice, making the horned Tarung lightly shake his head, not afraid of the people present. "It seems we truly have pass through, as Tim had said." The male stated as she glared at Tarung.

Their chat was cut short by Kaizo's yellow ribbons surrounding their bodies, the female was attempting to escape as she threw a lasso with a sharp tip

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Their chat was cut short by Kaizo's yellow ribbons surrounding their bodies, the female was attempting to escape as she threw a lasso with a sharp tip. "Time Slow-mo!" Ying yelled as the female gritted her teeth, seemingly unable to move as Yaya arrived, seeing how unbalance gravity was in the present room. "Admiral! Are you okay!?" Yaya asked as Tarung nodded, seemingly holding his stomach as he bent down.

Fang rushed over to see that he was injured, making the two males aid the blue haired man to the infirmary. "Are you okay? Don't worry sir, we'll find out who they are." Boboiboy stated as he looked at his wife, nodding as she pressed her lips together, knowing what he meant. As the two were trapped by Kaizo in one of the cell, fortified by Gopal's help, the two figures remained settled and calm despite the unwelcomed feeling given by the young Admiral of the Fleet.

"Who are you?" Ciciko asked as he gleamed his sunglasses towards the two, making them stare carefully at the smaller alien. "I see... so this was what it felt like." He uttered, making Ciciko furrow his brow, Kaizo hearing shuffles as he turned to see Tarung return from the infirmary. "What are you doing here?" Ciciko asked as he saw that the muscular man was still injured. "You're Tarung right?" Tarung asked towards his seemingly lookalike, eyes filled with nothing but confusion.

"Oh, so you've finally gotten it?" The other Tarung stated with a devious smirk, but the rest were alarmed. The whole station started to grumble, the male alien beside the horned Tarung stomped her feet, making Yaya slam her hand onto the floor, making sure they stayed in even terms.

"What do exactly do you want!?" Ying exclaimed as she glared at the two, making Fang sigh. "Nothing. A mere curiosity. Have you heard of such phrase curiosity killed the cat?" The boy stated as he stepped close, glaring at Ying who faced him, making Kaizo feel strange. 'What... is this girl?' Kaizo thought as his head turned fuzzy, blinking he was shocked to see blood present around him, making him slightly panic.

'Wha-where am I!?' Kaizo thought as he was about to move when he was shaken, snapping him out of his thoughts. Fang looked at him with worry, sensing the large weakening of the barrier. "Kokoci, do not tamper with such games, it won't be fun to kill them later." Tarung stated as they were wide eyed, noticing how his eyes slightly glimmered red, but soon shifted to normal brown...

New book! This will be the last of Timeslip, thanks for enjoying my stories!

- EMPSManiego

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