Chapter XI

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In a late evening, Queen Uberta and Rogers were in the royal crown room.

"Beautiful. Simply beautiful," said Uberta as she holds a golden crown with amethyst gemstones. "Soon, Derek will be married, and the kingdom will have a king again."

"I doubt it," Rogers said, shaking his head. "Derek still refuses to be king unless he finds Isabelle."

Oh, poppycock. All that will change at tomorrow night's ball," Uberta said optimistically.

Just then, the door burst open.

"They're all coming to the ball!" Chamberlain said happily with a laugh as two male servants enter with two huge sacks full of letters.

"Every princess is coming," he said before a pile of letters throwing at him.

"Oh, goodie! Oh my! Oh, this is wonderful!" Uberta said, laughing happily; she turns to Rogers. "You see, Rogers? One of these is bound to change his mind."

"Oh, absolutely... Roger said to then murmured the last part. "Not."

"Do-not-lose-one," Uberta said with a serious expression emphasizing each syllable.

Oh, No, No, No, No, " Chamberlain said smiling nervously.

"where is Derek? Oh, never mind. I know where he is, and evidently, Christian is with him. Working on the mystery of the fat animal," Uberta said with a roll of eyes, leaving the room.

"The great animal, your highness," Rogers said, correcting the Queen.

"Big, great... It's large and has fur," Uberta said back as chamberlain runs following her.

Derek and Christian were in the extensive library reading some books; king William's last world echoes inside of Derek's mind.

'Listen, Derek. It's not what it seems.'

"What did King William mean?" Christian asks Derek with a sigh as he closes his book shut.

"I don't know, but we can't give up. Let's keep searching, the answer has to be in one of these books!" Derek said, closing his finished reading book. They begin to search each shelf, book by book. Derek, standing on a ladder, picks up a peculiar green-topped book and opens it. He reads it, and then his eyes while his eyes fell on an anonymous picture.

"'It's not what it seems,' Derek mumbled, drawing his brother's attention, who looked at him with a confused expression. "Of course! It's not what it seems! Now I'll will find you, girls," Derek said now with a happy and excited smile.

After explaining his brother his find, they both rushed down to the library door as his mother burst into the room.

"They're coming, boys!" Uberta exclaims excited, to then yelp as be picked up by Derek and kissed her forehead.

"Oh, Derek, Christian, where you are going," uberta asks, confused, as the two princes turn to leave the room.

"To find the great animal!" Derek and Christian answered at the same time with a large grin.

"Oh, wonderful! just make sure you're here tomorrow night." Uberta said, making the princes skipped to a halt.

"Tomorrow night?" Christian asks, looking at his mother out of the corner of his eye, confused.

"huh? Uh--Uh...the ball," Uberta said, signaling the bunch of letters in her hands.

"Mother, I—I can't," Derek apologies with a heavy smile.

Uberta gaps and begin to whispering.

Oh, please, mother. Don't do the lip thing," Christian said with a sigh.

"If we leave now, maybe we can be back in time," Derek said with a sigh; they walk away, leaving the room.

*squeals* Thank you, darlings!" Uberta let out happily.

"But please, Mother, don't turn it into one of your beauty pageants," Derek said, giving his mother a knowing look.

"Oh, no, no, no, It's just a few friends...and their daughters," Uberta murmured the last part with a smile.

As soon as the princes leave, his mother turns around toward his servant.

"I want this to be BIG! Every princess must have her own introduction!" Uberta said, leaning each closer to his face with sparkling eyes.

"But you said--" Chamberlain begins to say.

"Forget what I said!" Uberta said, cutting out his word; she begins to walk away dancing. "Now send for the cooks and tell the band to start rehearsing. And I want 4 footmen for every carriage. Haha! Maybe 5!"

Chamberlain collapses to the floor, comically

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