Chapter VI

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( AN: Hiya! I'm back~ sorry for the late update, I'm beginning my second semester in college. I've been rather busy, but now I'm back, so let's started!!)

Back in the royal castle

Derek and the guys were in the up main hall, playing some chess to entertain themselves as the storm rises outside as rogers were give them a lecture.

'What else is there?' she says, 'it's beauty all that matters?' And you say what else is there?!" Roger exclaimed in disbelief at how bad these two princes screw up. Derek let out a sigh.

"It was dumb, I know! Derek says, lifting his arms as saying, ' I've screwed up everything,' not noticing Bromley cheaply drop out his pieces to win.

"You should write a book,' how to offend women in five syllabus or less,' Roger said sarcastically. Christian would laugh if the atmosphere were not so tense. 

Bromley let out a heavy laugh.

"You turn, prince Derek," Bromley says as he makes his moves on the table.

"I didn't know what else to say!" Derek says, pacing back and fronts with a sad expression as Christian watched quietly in a corner; since the two princesses left, he hasn't said a word, not only because he was upset with his brother but also because of himself, as he could be so stupid, he could have done something said something, but he just stood there like a fool.

He snapped out of his thought as he heard Bromley said: "Oh, you lost your queen, Derek."

"That's twice in one day!" Derek said in desperation. He wanted Isabelle back.

"Yeah, you said it, brother," Christian finally opened his mouth as he came out of the shadow of the corner and dropped in one of the chairs of the studio.

"Think, you must see something other than Isabelle's beauty. You know her all your life!?"  Rogers said in a 'matters of fact' tone.

"HAH! of course, I do, rogers. She's like, you about... and then... I mean, right?" Derek stutters nervously, tried to find the words but fail miserably.

Rogers, Christian, and Bromley give him a deadpan look. 

Christian facepalm 'I take it back. We are indeed a basket case.'

"Ah, I don't know how to say it!" Derek defends himself with a grunt of annoyance, then lowered his head in deep thought for a moment, and then looks up, a glitter of resolution flashed on his eyes.

"I'll prove it to her. I'll prove my love!!

"We both will!!"

"Checkmate!" Derek and Christian said in unison, in determination.

"Huh?' Bromley said in confusion as look at the chessboard.

(Isabelle point of view)

The trip was one of heavy silence. I look towards the windowpane, occasionally stroking Odette's head everything I hear a sob. Suddenly, for a moment, I swear to heard a distant voice, narrowing my eyes as trying to make it out what it was saying, but I only heard emptiness.

'Surely I must have imagined it,' I thought.

"I--I just don't understand," Father's voice snaps me out of my thought, making as much as Odette and I turned to look at him. "What else did you want him to say?"

Odette held his gaze for a moment.  " I need to know that he loves me, for just be me." 

I mentally agreed with Odette, I have known Derek my whole life, but I don't knows nothing about if his feelings are real or just temporarily enchanted by my physique, even though my felling for him are real, as pure as water. Before William could counter a response, the carriage jolt abruptly to a stop, we all looked at the door confused.

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