Chapter Ten

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 Two Weeks Later

"Chop the dang wood! What are you, some kind of shank!?" Gally was yelling at another builder.

I walked over there, Newt following me to the boys.

"Hey, eyebrows." I greeted him.

"Hey there Astrid." He returned it, his voice giving off an agitated tone.

"Why're you yelling at Casey?" I asked him, referring to the builder.

"He can't chop the wood correctly. We're still trying to find him a job. He keeps on messing up everything. He had his arm bandaged for two weeks after he burned it. Alby won't send him to sloppers yet." He ranted.

"Relax Gally. He's younger than you and hasn't been doing this that long. How about you show him how to correctly chop the wood." I suggested, calming the boy down.

He rolled his eyes slightly before turning around and grabbing the ax from the kid and showing him how to do it.

Newt and I continued walking around, making sure everyone was doing their job. I saw a kid walking into the woods, going away from his job. I looked at Newt and nodded towards the boy. We followed him and found him a few yards into the trees.

"Hey, kid." I started, making the boy jump. "Why aren't you at your job?" I asked him, smiling.

"Zart sent me for fertilizer" He panicked.

"Kid, I've been here long enough to know that you're not a track-hoe. You're a slicer. Go do your job and I won't tell anyone about this."

He ran off and went back to the slicers, doing his job.

"Come on babe, we've gotta check the sloppers." Newt spoke, smiling at me.

"Yes! Favorite part. Let's go see Chuck!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands.

We went and checked on Chuck and the other sloppers when the greenie alarm went off.

"Let's go!" Newt exclaimed.

Since we were the closest, we got there first. after a few minutes, everyone was here and the box was about to open. It finally stopped and the box opened. Newt and Gally opened it and Newt hopped in.

Another boy. He was young, he looked younger than Chuck, had to be around eight to ten years old. I saw a piece of paper beside the young boy.

"Newt, what's that paper say?" I asked him, pointing at it.

He grabbed it and opened it, reading it silently before looking up at us.

"They want them back." He read.

"Who?" Gally blurted.

Newt mumbled something under his breath, a tear fell in the process.

"Who do they want back?!" Alby shouted, he stepped out of the crowd.

Minho grabbed the note out of Newt's hand and opened it. He took a deep breath. "The creators want the girls back. And they want half of us."

"What do you mean half of us?!"

"The creators want half of us. They're splitting us in half and taking them, along with the girls." Minho explained to Winston.

A tear fell down my cheek before I walked over to the box and sat down on the edge. I slid down and landed on my foot.

"Where are you going?" Newt asked me.

"I'm, cooperating." I mumbled.

"They have a list of who they want, and who they don't." Minho announced, grabbing the list and opening it.

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