Chapter Six

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I led the way back to the doors.

Right. Straight. Left. Straight. Left. Right. Right. Straight. Right.

We were two turns away from the doors when we heard them open.

"Let's stop for a second. The doors are open and stuff, but I want to take a moment and catch my breath real quick." I spoke, coming to a stop with the boys.

I heard Newt say that we weren't coming back to Chuck.

"Alright, let's go." I spoke, pushing off the wall and back onto my feet.

I took a left turn and ran straight ahead, the boys following closely. I took the final turn, a right. I saw the green, grassy glade and ran a little faster.

Chuck noticed us first and yelled out to the others. "Guys! Guys! They're back!"

Newt turned around and saw me. He ran towards the doors as fast as he could with his limp and stopped, waiting for me to cross the line and step into the grass.

Thomas and Minho powered themselves to run into the glade before me so that they could watch me and Newt reunite.

I ran into his arms, using the last bit of energy I had left to push myself a tad bit faster.

I wrapped my arms around Newt's neck and my legs around his abdomen like a koala bear holding onto a tree. Which was somewhat accurate considering our height difference. Newt had his arms around my waist, holding me up as I nuzzled my head into his neck. Everyone was watching us with either disgusted faces, or faces in awe. 

I jumped down and immediately passed out, being caught by Newt.

Newt's POV

I caught her as she passed out, holding her head up like a baby. Minho and Thomas ran over, asking annoying questions while I picked her up, bridal style and carried her to the Med-Jacks.

"What happened?" Clint asked.

"She's Alive?" Jeff continued.

"Yes, she's alive. She passed out after getting back." I explained.

"Oh, ley her down on the bed and I'll take a look at her." Clint ordered.

I laid her down on the bed and stood at the door, keeping everyone out. Clint took a look at her, finding a spot where she must have fallen on a sharp rock and cut her thigh.

"She's just dehydrated. Go get some water and bring it back." Clint spoke after checking her over.

I got the water and came back, handing it to Clint. He gently opened her mouth and poured a bit of water in, tilting her head so that it went down. He repeated it over the matter of 5 minutes and finished the bottle. She was exhausted too, her breathing had slowed back down to normal and she was now peacefully sleeping. She would wake up in a few hours or so. She was given a bottle of water every hour.

I held her hand the whole time, waiting all night for her to wake up. I finally felt a twitch in her hand. I heard a sigh and sat up, looking at Astrid.

"Sup dude." She spoke, her calming voice making me smile.

"You passed out. How do you feel?" I asked her, she was clearly tired.

"I feel like there's a cute boy in front of me, and we haven't kissed recently." She joked, making me laugh.

I put my hand on her cheek and moved a strand of hair out of her face. She put her hand on mine and her other one on my cheek, pulling me down.

She's a flame [Maze Runner AU]Where stories live. Discover now