Chapter One

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The box screeched, the sound of metal on metal filling the box. She shuffled into a corner. The box came to an abrupt stop for a few moments before launching back up, tossing her around. She felt like throwing up. Her legs moved around, shuffling her into the corner and hiding, her body as close to the walls of the box as possible. She looked around, a red light slightly illuminating her surroundings. There were wooden crates, a smaller one caught her attention, it had a note taped onto it. She reached her arm out and grabbed the box, tearing the note off and opening it

"This is for her, no others." The note is stated in small cursive letters.

The box came to a stop, alerting her and making her jump. She put the note back on the box and threw it over to where it was placed before, pulling her knees to her chest. Light shone into the box, almost blinding her. She lifted her and covered her eyes from the sunlight.

Her eyes finally got used to the light and she looked up, hoping nothing would be there. She was wrong. The sides of the box were surrounded by boys. Only boys.

"Did they forget to send one up?"

"I doubt it, they never forget."

"Maybe we got the date wrong."

"No, it's not that, it was the greenie alarm."


I felt a shake in the crate, making me jump a little and let out a small yelp.

"What the shuck was that?!"

I felt more thuds on the ground of the box, eventually stopping. I jumped at a hand on my head. Hands were placed under my arms, pulling me away from the side of the box. I waved my arms around, kicking my legs, trying to get away. I couldn't, he held on.

I finally got away from the boy dragging me and backed away, stumbling to my feet. I looked up and around at all the boys. Their eyes went wide and their jaws dropped. 

The boy's mouths were moving, but I didn't hear anything, I was looking up, at the sky, the clouds. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked at the boy. He had crazy eyebrows and dirty blonde hair. I pushed his arm off and looked around. Someone said something which made all the boys shut up, whoever it was ad authority over them.

He walked over to the side and tossed down a rope with a loop at the end. I was supposed to put my foot in the loop and they pull me up. But I couldn't trust them yet. I looked around and remembered the crates. I grabbed the small crate with the note and stepped on the bigger one next to it. I put the small box on the grass and hoisted myself up onto the grass, shocking the boys, but not myself.

I stood up, grabbed the box, and looked around. A breeze hit me, making my hair move around and in front of my face. Red. I had red hair. It was long and wavy, almost like a flame. I like it.

I felt someone beside me and looked over. It was a boy with dirty blonde hair and a cream-colored shirt. He was the one who jumped in the box with me first. He smiled at me and his mouth started moving. I wasn't listening. Well, either that or I couldn't hear him. I cocked my head to the side, making the boy smile again. Something happened and he looked back at another boy. The boy had blonde hair like him, but was wearing cargo shorts and had really weird eyebrows. His mouth was moving, whatever he said shocked them. I walked over and saw a note in the boy's hand. I grabbed it and read it. 

"She's deaf in her left ear, we'll send up something next week." The note read.

I dropped it and fell to my knees, crying. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to the side. The boy in the cream-colored shirt enveloped me in a hug and rubbed circles on my back. After a few minutes, I stood up and grabbed the box. I sat down on a log beside a ton of trees, the boy sitting down next to me. I opened my box and immediately shut it. It was lady things. I stood up and walked away, the boy following behind me.

(I realized after I had started writing chapter seven that I had messed up this part and made it to where she can hear. She is deaf in her left ear, however, she can hear in her right ear. She was curious about the Glade and was ignoring the boys, so she couldn't hear them.)

"Hey, I'm Newt by the way. Do you remember your name yet?" He asked me, jogging for a moment to catch up. He had a weird limp, it was kinda cute.

"Astrid," I spoke, still walking to no certain destination.

He walked in front of me and took me around to meet people. First was a group of people he called, "builders" it was eyebrows and some kids who would be your basic high school jock. We approached them and Newt started to talk to them as I looked at the walls.

"Astrid, are you gonna say anything to them." It was Newt, he snapped me out of my daze.

I looked at my eyebrows, he was glaring at me, his eyebrows raised and intimidating. 

"Well, introduce yourselves," Newt spoke.

"Gally." He spoke through his teeth.

I looked up at him and smiled, "Astrid." He bit the side of his cheek and let a small smile escape.

After getting all the boys' names, I and Newt walked to the huge stone walls that surrounded the place. As we stopped, two boys ran into the grassy area with us. One had black hair and a blue shirt, the other had brown hair and had a cream shirt.

"Minho." The black-haired boy spoke, giving me a small, smug smile.

"Ben." The other one blurted, looking everywhere but at my eyes.

I smiled at them and held eye contact with Minho. He was cute. Not as adorable as Newt. But he was cute.

Newt dragged me around the place, talking and showing me around. I had begun to get tired, my eyes getting heavy. When Newt brought up a bonfire, I had a small burst of energy, but still wanted to just sleep.

I remembered a few things from before the maze besides my name. I just didn't know if I should tell him about them yet. I remembered a few sounds. A woman with age in her voice yelling. A small kid, maybe a baby crying. And a man saying the words, "I love you, Astrid."


I promise that future chapters will be longer, I'm probably just going to make the first few short-ish.

She's a flame [Maze Runner AU]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat