Part 1

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"Today is the day!"

      Tis a day of rambunctious deception, murky sorcery, harmonious magnetism, and fascination. I am a man of my word, my hands have built an empire, far from the prying eyes. There is a dark side to the world, one unseen by most. I, Doctor Rockit am the master illusionist on Botany Boulevard. Well, illusion is a fussy word. I could say, conjurer, magician, or mad man.

      Come with me on my biggest day yet. I will be unveiling something quite grand today, it's going to be a manic day full of mystery and intrigue, ground-breaking enchantments, and a revolutionary way to listen to your inner monologue.

My Beginning

      I was once born. The day was glorious, my mother loved me, my father ran. I became a nurse good luck charm. Odd things happened around me during the three days I was in the hospital. Not a single death happened during my stay, and Barnabas Tiny was miraculously awoken from his three-year coma. His wife was two days from pulling his plug. The newspaper article on my day of birth was entitled, "Things are Good". Apparently the first time the Newspaper company had nothing negative to write about (the only time in their papers history).

     All through my childhood I was mesmerized by magic, inebriated by the unknown. I learned many cryptic languages, the basics to street magic, slight of hand, and trick of illusions. My mother was strong and uncanny. She would delve into my mind every night and ask me,

     "What did we learn today?" I would then tell her my new tricks. She was the only confidant I trusted with my secrets. Throughout high school I decided that other people are not for me, I stuck to myself and kept on my craft. I even pushed away genuine potential friends. Magic needs all my time.

      When I turned eighteen something enthralling happened to me. I died! I'll loop around to this later, for now,

     "Today is the day!"

7:00 AM

      A new day is common with a spell. There are prerequisites needed for a spell to work properly, same as a morning. A bad start to your day or base of a spell can have detrimental effects. Use precaution. For me, my start is 7:00 AM. It's a satisfying time to suddenly wake up. I, as most folks need something to give me a kick in the butt. Coffee just doesn't cut it when you need to harness the magic around you. I drink Water mixed with madness. Its magic and it works. Trust me, think of craziness, just pure uncut bizarre things, put your hand over the water, believe in the madness of this world, and voila! Magic wake-up water.

     Our world is so vast, emotions push and pull everything. Trust me, you can also be a magical person of devout faith, the faith is to believe in the extraordinary and the lunacy of man.

     After a nice refreshing glass of insanity, I put on some nice tan slacks, a button up blue dress shirt, and a vivid red bowtie, but no socks! My familiar is standing by the door awaiting work to begin. My familiar is one of odd consequences, I chose a tortoise named Atreyu. Don't get me wrong he is slow, but he has lots of magical capacity, and before I found him, he found me in my dreams for years. I knew I had to wait for him. Familiars can be chosen but for the best magic output having a chance meeting with one like I did is more of a destiny sort of interaction.

      "Atreyu, when did you get up? You need to sleep the full eight hours I need you ready, especially today!" It may not have looked like it, but Atreyu gave me a frown. He's such a night owl, and really feels at home with sarcasm.

       We leave my bathroom in my bed chamber and prance to the kitchen (Doing things in an awkward, silly, or weird way lifts your spirits creating the essence of magic ready to take form). In the kitchen I prepare a nice bowl of berries, and hay for Atreyu.

      "Eat up mon frère, at 8:00 am sharp, we meet in the laboratory!" I grab myself three berries, and seven legumes (It's the tenth today, so I need to maximize on any energy I can harness, matching things is always a sure way to keep the energy flowing). After a refreshing ten bites I move into the roof garden (just past my observatory tower) for a gentle meditative thinking conference.

8:05 AM

     Atreyu wanders in the laboratory,

     "Tsk, tsk, five minutes Atreyu, unacceptable, especially today! Get your gear on, our breakthrough is today." Atreyu paces over to a little cubby labeled "A-Trey-U" (Turtles can only read phonetically.) and steps into some small rubber footpads, a mechanism whirs around as his weight on a pressure pad near his footpads causes a pair of goggles attached to a tortoise sized helmet to drop onto Atreyu. He backs out of his cubby and turns to my bulging and furious eyes.

      "Don't eyeroll at me!" I have no power in this partnership, Atreyu is such a loose cannon. I put on some nice long rubber mad-scientist gloves, and goggles, yes...the mad-scientist kind. I open a chest off to the side of the room and remove a glass orb, carefully. Atreyu plops over to a pedal and slowly gets onto it, a rod in the middle of the room begins to zap and whiz.

      "We have power! Now I need full concentration, prepare the tune-age!" I shout to Atreyu. I put the orb in front of my person and slowly lower the glass orb onto the rod bursting with excitement. Atreyu comically bites an unsheathed record from a nearby pile, and trots along to the record player, setup on the floor in the opposite corner (Anything I don't want to do is at Atreyu's height, just logistically it saves time and money.). Atreyu drops the record in place and nudges the arm and bites a small string attached to the arm, lowering it onto the record. Immediately a funky swing jazz song begins to blare out of the speakers surrounding the room. My hair begins to wildly soar about.

      "LET US BEGIN!" I touch the orb to the rod and keep it in place as I focus on the divots and curves in the blown glass orb, I need to follow the shapes and forms as I gather energy.

18th Birthday

      I suppose none of what I say makes sense to YOU, but in due time it will. If I explain the transcendent events from the day of my eighteenth birthday, maybe you can understand my world.

       The day was like every other, I kept to myself during school, I know my mom would have a surprise party ready for me, consisting of her and I. I wanted to try a spell I read in an occult book regarding invisible beasts that harm humans in ways of disease, and sickness. I was intrigued by this way of thinking and decided to try this spell which forces a beast to come forth visibly if any are attached to you.

      If this spell worked, I would be forever convinced that REAL magic exists, and if it does exist than everything we perceive as reality could actually be turned inside out and upside down. 

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