"So we pose the question, is it morally correct to do something because it fits with your morals, even if it clashes with another's?"

I'd spent my lecture posing hypotheticals and asking my students to voice their thoughts. We engaged in a heated debate about morals and almost every student chimed in with something to say.

By the end, I feel my lecture is a success and my excitement for the next class is high.

"Don't forget your midterms are due this week. Don't hesitate to email me your questions and I'm sure we can sort out any difficulties you have with your papers. On that note, get out of here."

The class begins to pack up and I don't bother to wipe the smile from my face as I watch Quincie gather her things. The girl beside her, a pre-law major, says something that makes Quincie laugh as they start down the small steps of their platformed seats.

I don't interrupt as they pass and Quincie spares me a glance before the pair walk out into the hall and part for the day.

As I'm gathering my notes to start for my office, the lecture hall door opens. I glance up wondering if Quincie or another student had forgotten something but am surprised to find Thomas standing in the doorway.

"Elijah, a word?"

I nod my head as I finish gathering my things, "Of course, Dr. Jackson. What can I do you for?"

My chest tightens as my heart starts beating against my ribs. Surely he hadn't caught on to Quincie and I'd secret affair? We weren't exceptionally safe or secretive for that matter, but we weren't acting out of the normal relationship of a professor and student in the presence of her peers or faculty.

There were no signs indicating we were anything but professional.


"How is your research with my daughter coming along?"

I do wish he hadn't brought up Quincie.

"It's going well, Thomas. I should think we'll be done soon."

I motion towards the door as I need to be out of the lecture hall for the next professor and my office hours would be starting soon.

"I'd like a synopsis of your work by the end of the week. Keep it brief, and don't give me too much about the works. I'd like to learn as much as I can from your presentation but I'd like to know what I'm in for."

I nod my head as we walk the philosophy building halls towards my office.

"Of course. I'll drop it at your office Friday afternoon."

As we approach my office I can only hope this was all he had to speak to me about. Heaven knows I could be punished for my actions outside of the University with a student. Should anyone find out about this morning, well I just don't want to think about that right now.

"Is that everything?" I ask as I begin to fumble with my keys nervously. He's yet to leave my side and I'm left questioning whether or not I'm in trouble without actually asking.

"No, actually. Do you mind if we step into your office?"

I nod my head as I push open the door.

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