Ch.11 "Potato Lisa"

Start from the beginning

"Uhh...okay." I slowly took steps towards the teacher's side of the art room. Everyone had their eyes on me. I wasn't used to that much attention, and I didn't expect it either.

I stood in front of the class and held up my drawing so everyone could see it. I didn't know whether to smile or not. So I held the drawing in front of my face.

Nobody said anything for a few seconds, so I lowered the drawing and looked at the students. Everyone was staring at the drawing, trying to hold their laughter. But Lloyd, he was surprised. I bet he's thinking "Why did this girl draw my father? And with a croissant??"

Then out of nowhere, the Potato Lisa guy asked "Wait, why is he holding a croissant?"

"Umm...because he's hungry?" I answered.

Some girl added "This should be a meme...Hold on, let me take a picture and start the Garmadon's croissant meme."

She came closer and I let her take a picture of the drawing. I mean, why not? Memes are important to society.

Lloyd wore his hood over his head and looked out the window, ignoring the comments the students made about his father.

But I wouldn't forget how he looked at me when he saw the drawing. That doubtful look. Looking at my eyes, as if he was trying to figure out if I was trying to be his friend like how we met, or drew his father to make fun of him which could and did bring some mean comments about Lloyd himself.

Or that I worked for his father, and was actually here to look out for him.


I sat on my chair, leaned my arms on my desk and wondered if I'd ever be a part of that history one day. The history our teacher was desperately trying to teach our bored faces about. The history of Ninjago.

I glanced at Lloyd who was sitting two desks behind me. He seemed interested in what the teacher was saying and didn't look bored at all. Lloyd, teach me your ways.

But right before she could finish telling us about whatever she was saying, the bell rang, bringing joy to the fallen soldiers who fell asleep in the beginning of class.

"Wait! Sit down!" The teacher stopped us from leaving. We sat back and listened to her.

"Tomorrow's homework will be a group project. I want each of you to pick a partner and form a group of two to write a presentation about an important part of our history."

The students looked around, picking their partners but the teacher interrupted "Let me finish first. You can choose the topic that you want to make the presentation about. Work together, I don't want anyone left out like last time."

Last time?

"Miss, you know nobody wants to work with Lloyd," said a random student.

"I know, and I said I don't want anyone to work alone this time. And if nobody wants to work with him, I will choose all your groups by myself."

She waited for a response, for someone to agree on working with Lloyd or else they will not be able to choose their project partners. They all exchanged looks, but nobody volunteered. Damn, it must have been hard on Lloyd.

Everyone gave me confused looks and the teacher smiled when I raised my hand. "I'll work with him."

"Wonderful! You're now dismissed."

I got my stuff and got out of class with the rest of the students to get to my locker when someone called me.

I turned around and made eye contact with Lloyd. His face showed sadness as he started to speak "You don't have to work with me if you don't want to. I don't want you to do it out of pity."

"What are you talking about?" I asked. Everyone gave us quick glances, a couple of whispered comments and left.

"Didn't you raise your hand so the rest of the class would get to choose their partners?"

"Umm...kind of. I mean, you were alone so-"

"Exactly, you pity me."

"No, it's not like that. Plus, I don't even know that many people here so I'm glad I'll get to do the project with you."

He stared at me for a moment. "We only talked twice and you count that as if we know each other?"

A bad reputation would make my mission of finding the ninja's identities harder for me because it would most likely make people bully me, and bullying could lead to suicide -even though I'm sure it won't get that far, but I'll still be sad-. But looking out for Lloyd and reporting back to Garmadon on how he's doing would be harder if I didn't make any effort in at least talking to him. But talking to Lloyd would get me a bad reputation. You see my problem now?

I sighed "How about we just do the project without you pushing me away because of your dad?"

He rolled his eyes "Fine. But I'll not take responsibility for the damage in your reputation."

"No one wanted you to." I asked "So where do we study? Your place or my place?"

He rubbed the back of his neck "I'm kind of grounded so...Can you come over?"

"All right, I'll come at five. See you later, Lloyd," I waved goodbye and started walking.

"See you later."

A/n: hello! Like I promised, this is the Potato Lisa drawing. Just imagine that it was on canvas and not a sketchbook.

It doesn't really look like a potato, but I tried my best and was too lazy to color it

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It doesn't really look like a potato, but I tried my best and was too lazy to color it.

Also, sorry for this cursed image you just saw.

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