Ciel lift his head higher

"My Spider,"

Alois tilted his head innocently

"My Butlers"

Charles Phipps and Charles Grey stared at her with blank expressions

"All of you will join together and help find the Little Miss"

Ciel and Alois gave her a shocked look. Alois wanted to whine, saying that he would rather not. But, he knew he couldn't. Ciel opened his mouth "Your Majesty, Trancy and I--Please..."

She cupped her hands and looked down, closing her eyes

"Please, bring her back to me.."

Alois walked along Ciel as he looked at the few along the Street "It's so gross here"

Ciel looked back up and then to the others around by the places, soon stopping in front of a building. Alois tilted his head while the Chalres both came over, as did the Butlers to the Earls. They all looked up to the building, staring at it as it sat there, Children running amock inside

Grey crossed his arms "Alright. What's this?" Sebastian stared up as the wind blew their hair "This is where two of Lady Cheyenne's 'Friends' reside"

Ciel nodded as the sign sat a bit chipped

"The Orphanage"


"Dreaming...Dreaming...La, la, la la da, da da da...Da...da.."

The girl clipped the last piece of clothing up and then lift up the basket, walking forward to the back door of the house. She walked inside as she stopped humming the Coralime theme, sitting the basket down.

Once she turned around and left the room she was in, she went to the front of the oddly large home. It was a bit odd to her that it was this way.

Maybe she could explore

Besides, she was alone

She had asked Undertaker to come with him since he was going to take Jack and Gerald out to teach them 'Survival skills', but he denied and said she had to stay back in order to watch over the strong hold.

But, it wasn't so bad. She had Xander. He was sleep though so, she went on to do a few other things.

She stood there for a moment to think of something to do. And then, it came across her mind. She could give someone a little surprise

Cheyenne smirked a bit and then made a sharp turn. She walked a few ways to get to her room. Cheyenne opened her bedroom door and went over to a wardrobe.

A mix of their clothes were in here. His, hers, and her old modern ones. And she had a small idea


She stopped what she was doing and looked behind her "Did they come back?"

"Ch.....Can me"

Cheyenne left a brow as panic began to reach into her

"It's.....Lan....I miss...."

Cheyenne then looked to the bathroom door. She stared at it "The other Night.."

Well....She wanted to explore, right?


The door opened, the Woman at the front desk was half sleep yet she tried staying awake to finish her writing

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