He ran up the stairs and started crying. Gon jumped into Leorio's arms and they hugged very tightly. Suddenly, everyone in the crowd started clapping. You smiled and slightly waved. Meanwhile Gippy was blowing kisses, jumping up and down, waving, and basically just being extra.

You looked down at the crowd and saw Ging sitting down not even clapping or looking at Gon. You gritted your teeth and frowned at him. Gon looked at where you were looking and saw Ging as well. His eyes lit up and he asked, "Ging?" Gippy looked over and said, "Oh dear... time to face the deadbeat."

Ging looked back at him and said, "Hey." Gon started tearing up and ran up to him. You and Gippy followed behind him. Gippy walked up to him and asked, "Hey? HEY? You haven't seen your son his entire life and they only thing you can say is hey?" Gon started crying and Ging moved over and made a spot for Gon to sit down at. Gon sat down next to him and told him everything that happened.

Without anyone noticing, you walked up the stairs and left the Hunter Association Building. You looked around and walked over to the hospital where you last saw Killua and Alluka. When you were about to walk inside, a guard stopped you and said, "Ma'am you cannot go in here." You glared at him and said, "I'm a friend of Killua Zoldyck."

The guard shook his head and said, "Like I said, you cannot come in here. Even if you are a friend of Master Killua's." You took a deep breath and asked, "Can I at least wait outside?" The guard nodded and said, "It does not matter what you do outside. You are just not allowed to enter the building." You nodded and sat on a bench outside of the building.

You crawled up into a ball and slowly fell asleep. You were awoken by someone shaking you and you opened your eyes and looked at the person shaking you. You smiled at Killua and said, "Hey Kills." Killua smiled at you and said, "You waited for me." You stretched and said, "Of course I did, Killua. You're my best friend." Alluka laughed and said, "You two are so cute together!"

You giggled and stood up from the bench. You looked at Killua and asked, "So, where are we going?" Killua shrugged his shoulders and said, "Just going to go see Gon." You nodded and followed him and Alluka to meet up with Gon and Gippy.

You all met up with each other and a man led you guys to the tallest tree in the world while walking through a town. He explained how it worked and how tall it was. Killua got a big bag of snacks. You looked at him and asked, "Can I have some?" Killua frowned at you and said, "Ew no."

You stared down at the floor in disappointment until Killua said, "Hey Y/N, you have something in your mouth..." You looked up at him and asked, "Really? Where is it?" You opened your mouth and Killua shoved a snack into your mouth. You choked on it for a second but then laughed with everyone else.

You looked over at a man with a camera and you all took a picture together. You sat on Killua's shoulders and ruffled his hair, Alluka had up two peace signs, Gon had his hands in the air, Killua had one hand in the air, and Gippy was holding Jay up to her face.

After the man took the photos, you and Killua both got two separate copies. Before Gon went through a gate, he was stopped by Killua saying, "So this is as far as we're going." You looked at Killua in confusion, and Gippy started to tear up. Killua looked at you and asked, "Y/N, what are you gonna do?" You shrugged your shoulders and said, "I don't know... continue on with my life. Find a job, get married, possibly even have kids."

Killua put his hands behind his head and said, "Sounds boring. You can come with us if you want." You thought to yourself for a while and said, "I'm not ready to go alongside you and Alluka yet. Though when I am ready, I'll find you guys and that's a promise. Speaking of promise Killua..."

Killua rolled his eyes and reached into his pocket and gave you sixty Jenny. You smiled and him and he asked, "You promise you'll find us?" You nodded and were about to bite into your thumb until Killua said, "Wait, I think this can seal it better."

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