A morning duty

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By the light of the sun shine from the wood bar cracks of the window, a small light shine in June's eyes when she started to wake up from her dream

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By the light of the sun shine from the wood bar cracks of the window, a small light shine in June's eyes when she started to wake up from her dream. June yawn and getting up from the pillow, June was still thinking about the woman, the 3 gemstones, and her ring. 3 things in one dream. June looks around just before she went back to sleep, the ghost from last night and she yelps.

Ghost: Heeheehee... Don't you two have to be up to clean the school?

Grim talks while he's still sleeping but he start to wake up tirelessly and started to back asleep.

Grim: 💤Unnn... munyaaa... Five more minutes...

June signs about Grim sleeping while more of the ghost kept appearing at the room.

Ghost 2: Laze about too long and you'll never wake up again.

Ghost 3: Just like us! Eee heehee!

Finally Grim eyes shot open wide awake and gets up from the mattress.

Grim: 😾 Ffgya!? It's those ghosts again! Hey you wake- [sees June wide awake]....Oh you're already awake.

June: [faced at Grim] Yeah before I was going back to sleep.

Grim jumps out of the bed and started blowing fire at the ghost again while June was still in bed watching the show.

Ghost 1: Are you all going to be living here? You're gonna get pranked. Kekeke!

Grim: Shoot. We'll get rid of you eventually!

June: Give it a rest, Grim it's not important.

Grim: By the way, June why did you wake up that early?

June: Well.. I just had a dream about a woman in a white cloak and tells me to find 3 gemstones. Heh, like some dream that will come true.

Grim: Wow! That's gotta be some dream you had.

June: Yeah... well my mother always says a lot of things about dreams but sometimes she sings me songs before I go to bed. Well one of my favorites was like this...

Soon while June was saying a few words to Grim she started to sing about it.

June:🎵 A dream is a wish your heart makes.....

🎵.....When you're fast asleep....🎵

🎵In dreams you will lose your heartaches.....

.....What ever you wish for, you keep🎵

🎵Have faith in your dreams and someday.....

.....Your rainbow will come smiling through......🎵

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