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Lee Y/n's POV

"Hey, Y/n. Did you missed me?"

Her voice send shivers into my spine. My heart beats vigorously as I looked at Yeonjun. I bit my lower lip and pretended to not know her.

"Who are you?" I asked. She laughed, an evil laugh that if you hear, you'll felt goosebumps all over your body.

"You stole my man, ended my career and sent me into jail, then you don't remember me in just a span of a week? That hurts." She said. My eyes widened. Yeonjun was looking at me seriously getting curious of who am I talking.

"Please, Rainah. I'm not in a mood for your bullshits. My son is missing-" I said but got cut off by my thoughts and I looked at Yeonjun, he was shocked as I mentioned Rainah's name. I heard her laughed on the other line. Tears escaped from my eyes as I felt nervous.

"Do you have my kid?" I asked voice shaking. Yeonjun was observing panicking. She again let out a loud laugh. I pursed my lips to stop from sobbing.

"That's a great guess, Y/n! He's still not here but I think he's-oh! Here he is!" She said. I covered my mouth as tears fell down continously. Yeonjun snatched the phone from my hand as he catches me from collapsing into the floor.

"What do you want?!" Yeonjun asked fuming in anger.

"Oh! Love! You didn't tell me you're with them. Don't worry, I'll take a good care of your kid." She said then laughed again like a crazy she was. I felt Yeonjun's hand clenched in fist.

"Don't you dare hurt him, Rainah! I swear! I'll gonna kill you."

"I have your son and yet you have that guts to threaten me?" Rainah stated pissed off. I looked at Yeonjun shaking my head.

"What do you want? Please let's talk." Yeonjun said calmer. I can sense that Rainah smirked.

"Meet me at your company's rooftop at 6pm." She said then ended the call. I sobbed hard. Yeonjun hugged me and I cried on his chest.

The police came and Yeonjun explained everything to them. I was still shaking thinking that Junhyun was on Rainah's hand. We drove back home as soon as Yeonjun finished telling his statement at the troops. I called Taehyun and in just a second he answered the call.

"How's Junhyun?" He asked worriedly. I didn't helped but to burst in tears as I heard Junhyun's name.

"What? Why? Tell me!" He asked panicking.

"He-he was taken away." I said sobbing hard almost inaudible.

"What? How? Why?"

"He was taken away, b-by, b-" I didn't finished my statement when Yeonjun snatched the phone from me. I covered my face as tears won't stop from falling.


Choi Yeonjun's POV

I stole the phone from her hand and talked to Taehyun.

"Rainah. He was kidnapped by her." I said shaking in anger.

"What the fuck? How did it happen?" He shouted worriedly.

"He was taken by a man, we saw it on CCTV footage. She called us, saying she has him. I'll meet her at 6pm, I reported it to the police and they'll help." I explained, I heard a loud bang from the other line, looks like he punched something that it broke.

AND THIS IS OUR FATE ✓SEQUEL (Choi Yeonjun and Kang Taehyun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now