He groaned and went behind them, to grab them, but he couldn't.

Francesco and Luciano reached there in time. They saw the guy following the girls and Valentino sprawled on the ground along with all the guys.

Both the pedo and the sketchy guy were never seen again.

They took Valentino home. The girls were oblivious of what had happened and were just chatting cheerfully, occasionally poking an unconscious Valentino, who was now sprawled in the backseat.

When they reached home, Valentino woke up after about two hours.

"What?" He asked, looking at the angry glares on everyone's face.

"Are you insane? You take your sisters to the park and get high with your friends?" Francesco shouted.

"Do you know, two of your friends were about to hurt your sisters? They were about to touch them?" Luciano said.

Valentino's eyes widened as realization dawned upon him.

Everyone was angry at Valentino for dragging himself and his sisters to such a situation.

But when asked to explain himself,
All Valentino said was,
"It was my fault."

And next day, he left with his belongings, because the guilt was eating him inside and the family was angry at him, for taking drugs, which he didn't.

His sisters were almost kidnapped that day. Someone almost put their hands on their innocence.

And the guilt and anger was unbearable. He just thought the family hated him.

But the family wasn't that angry on him. They couldn't have kicked him out of their lives.

He never explained himself, because he wanted to punish himself. He wanted himself to suffer.

But what he left behind was a broken family, who were blaming themselves for him walking out of their lives.

Flashback Over.

"Why didn't you explain back then?" Lorenzo asked, glaring at Valentino, who looked down.

"I felt guilty. It was my fault. I was with the wrong company and didn't even realise it." He said, staring at the ground, ashamed.

"And you chose to run away? Without explaining yourself?" Lorenzo gritted. Valentino gulped and nodded weakly.

"The whole family was angry. Everyone blamed me. I was unconscious. I hurt my sisters. Who knows, what could have happened in my presence, if they didn't reach there?" He said.

Lorenzo clenched his jaw. Before I could blink, a punch landed on Valentino's face, making him stumble.

"You little shit, you could have told us. We spent eleven years in misunderstanding, and away from each other, just because of you." Lorenzo yelled at him. Valentino regained his composure and kept his head bowed. Lorenzo grabbed the collar of his shirt.

Another punch landed on his jaw. Lorenzo seemed too angry.

"We hated you all these years for nothing? We didn't let your sister talk about you, when she wanted to because it hurt us. It hurt, Valentino." Lorenzo said, his angry voice turning sad, with each word.

Valentino rubbed his jaw a little and stood straight again. Tears were flowing down his face while he refused to look into anyone's eyes.

"I still don't remember, Charlotte." I said, worried.

"Don't worry. I could've forgotten too, if it wasn't the reason he left. We were too small to take that seriously. And you didn't know he left." She said.

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