Chapter 5

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Judging by the silence in the house, they were probably not home. I slammed the door behind me.

On my way to the staircase, I passed the door. The door to the basement. I was always restricted to go there. It wasn't locked ever. But I was always a little scared to go down there.

As much as I wanted to know their dark secrets, I was also scared, I might find something that will make me give up more at myself and everyone.

I was contemplating whether to snoop into the basement or not.
I went to my room and sat at the balcony seat there.

I took deep breaths to calm my shaking self. I've never felt so angry before. These many years I've tried to be perfect, just for people to be fake? To be using me? Its not like its the first time people have betrayed me or turned their back at me. But these 'people' we are talking about now, are supposed to be my 'parents'.

If they really aren't blood, I don't even care anymore if they find out about the gang. Now that I know they betrayed me and caused me to become numb, lose my identity, have trust issues, never have friends, the list goes on.

And if they were really my parents and found out about the gang, I could always threaten them.

I sighed and opened my eyes to look around the now bright room as the sun was up. I got up and left my room.

Walking down the staircase, I was filled with both rage and sadness.

What if I don't find anything? But they didn't allow me to go there. There must be a reason for that.

I shivered slightly when my hand wrapped around the cold doorknob of the basement door. Turning it, I quickly slid inside, careful not to be seen by any of the maids.

Some light was entering through the small windows near the ceiling of the basement. Finding the light switches, I flipped each one of them on and off until the lights turned on and everything came into view.

Suitcases, trunks and a locker. I opened the nearest trunk to find it filled with small packets containing some white powder.

My eyes widened when I recognized it. Being in a gang, you get to see drugs often. I moved onto the next one, then the next. Each one of them, including the suitcases contained different drugs, cigarette packets and alcohol.

They are drug dealers. There was just one trunk left now. I didn't want to open it, knowing it contained the same thing, but I'm glad I did.

The trunk contained all of my broken toys and other things from a long time ago. Every broken thing that once belonged to me, was collected by someone here. I just caressed the toys a bit.

I had countless materialistic things given to me till now. But these things definitely can't make you happy or even feel emotions.

Shaking my head, I stood up. I stood before the locker staring at it for a long time. These people really are fools. Who keeps an old locker with a keyhole in it?

I pulled out a bobbypin from my hair and carefully started picking the lock. After a few minutes of struggling, I heard a satisfying click.

"Thanks Daniel." I said, looking at the open locker before me, proudly and gratefully.

The locker was small, it just had a wooden box in it. I opened it, my heart racing.

There was a soft pink blanket in it. I caressed it before pushing it to the side. My hand touched something cold beneath the soft blanket. Clutching it in my hand, I pulled out the small locket.

It was beautiful. It looked like it was made of platinum. Flipping it open, my breath caught in my throat and I swallowed the huge lump and rubbed my thumb over the Locket. My head started hurting really bad, worse than any of the times I've met a person with blue eyes. I clenched my eyes shut and hissed in pain.

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