Chapter Eight

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'Can we get a kitten?' Sara showed Nyssa her journal as she entered the kitchen.

"A kitten?" Nyssa asked.

The blonde nodded her head. 'For Rabbit to have a friend.'

"Rabbit has never met a cat, he might not like them." Nyssa said softly.

Sara's hopeful smile instantly drops and she looks down at her hands

"Hey, we can try introducing him to cats, see how he reacts and go from there." Nyssa said.

Nodding her head, Sara doesn't look up.

"Are you okay?" Nyssa asked.

The blonde looks up and smiles weakly.

"Why don't we go play with Rabbit?" Nyssa suggested.

Shifting, Sara nodded her head.

Nyssa got up from her chair and followed Sara out to the backyard where Rabbit was playing.

The husky was running around the yard. He stopped as soon as he saw Sara, his tail wagging.

Smiling, Sara bent down and scratched behind his ear.

Rabbit barked softly.

The blonde's mood changed as she began smiling even wider. She loved spending time with Rabbit.

Nyssa smiled as she watched Sara and Rabbit.

Rabbit was good for Sara, and everyone knew it. The dog had basically broken Sara out of her shell.

Rabbit barked and chased Sara.

The blonde giggled as she ran around the yard.

Nyssa smiled softly.

"Hey!" Maya called from the other side of the fence.

"Hey." Nyssa called back.

The blonde leaned against the fence. "Carina's at work."

"You can bring Poppy over if you'd like." Nyssa said.

"Thank you." Maya said. "I'll be over in a minute."

"See you then." Nyssa smiled.

True to her word, Maya made her way over. Poppy was trotting by her side, her tail wagging in the air happily.

Sara was now lying on the grass with Rabbit on top of her.

Poppy ran over to them and lay down beside them.

Sara patted Poppy's head.

Nyssa smiled over at Maya. "How are things?"

"Things are good." Maya said.

The brunette smiled warmly. "That's good."

Maya smiled back. "Yeah. How are things with you?."

"Things are good." Nyssa responds with a warm smile.

"Good." Maya said.

Nyssa shifted slightly. "Sara wants to get a kitten."

"She does?" Maya asked.

"Yes, but we don't know how Rabbit will react to a kitten." Nyssa responded softly.

"That's true." Maya said.

Rabbit perks up almost as if knowing they're talking about him. He jumped off Sara, wagging his tail and trotted over to Nyssa, sitting down at her feet and looking up at her with his head tilted to the side.

Play Thing (Sara and Nyssa)Where stories live. Discover now