Chapter Five

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Several days later

Sara was playing in the yard with Rabbit when Maya walked out with Poppy.

Poppy raced over to the fence and barked.

Rabbit moved over to the fence and barked back softly.

Poppy tilted her head to the side at the sight of the puppy, her tail wagging.

Rabbit looked back toward Sara, his own tail wagging.

Sara moved over to the fence and reached her skinny arm between the slats, patting Poppy on the head.

Rabbit jumps up, putting his paws against the fence.

Poppy sniffed him through the fence, pushing her nose between the slats.

Barking softly, Rabbit looked back at Sara.

Sara watched the two dogs.

Turning his head, Rabbit tried sniffing Poppy through the fence.

Sara sat down in the grass, tilting her head to the side as she watched them.

Barking, Rabbit paws at the fence.

"I think he wants to meet Poppy without a fence between them." Nyssa said, making Sara jump.

Sara looked back at her before frowning.

"What?" Nyssa asked.

The blonde pointed at the fence.

"Let's get his leash and take him next door." Nyssa said.

Nodding her head, Sara picked Rabbit up and carried him inside.

Nyssa smiled and followed her.

Rabbit was squirming in Sara's arms.

Sara grabbed his leash and clipped it to his collar.

Barking softly, Rabbit squirms even more. He loved his walks.

Sara set the dog down on the ground.

Rabbit instantly begins moving toward the front door.

Sara followed him.

Nyssa was right behind them, a small smile on her lips.

They walked down the sidewalk, Rabbit's tail wagging the whole time.

Nyssa knocked on the door, waiting for Maya to answer.

Maya appeared. "Hi."

Poppy could be heard barking in the background.

"Mind if we bring Rabbit to meet Poppy?" Nyssa asked.

"Sure." Maya said, opening the door more to let them in.

Rabbit instantly began sniffing around the house and Maya. Already smelling Poppy on her and everything else in the room.

"Hello, puppy." Maya said, smiling.

Barking softly, Rabbit nudged her.

"He's cute." Maya said.

"Sara picked him out. He's the runt of the litter." Nyssa said with a warm smile.

"Poppy is going to love him." Maya said.

Rabbit barks playfully and moves back toward Sara, pawing at her pant leg. It was something he did when he wanted up.

Sara bent down and lifted him up.

Curling into her, Rabbit licks her chin.

Sara smiled at him.

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