Chapter Three

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Four months later

Nyssa smiled as she watched Sara play in the backyard with Poppy.

Maya placed a cup of coffee down in front of Nyssa.

"Thank you." Nyssa said softly, lifting the cup and taking a sip.

"She's settled in really well." Maya said, nodding towards Sara.

Nyssa nodded her head. "She really has, thanks for bringing Poppy over more."

"No problem." Maya shrugged.

The brunette went back to watching Sara with loving eyes.

Sara was busy throwing a ball for Poppy.

"You like her." Maya said, nudging Nyssa's side.

"What? No!" Nyssa said.

The blonde smirked. "You so do."

Nyssa shook her head.

"It's okay, to like her. You know that right?" Maya asked softly.

"It's not, though." Nyssa said. "She's been through a lot. I don't even know if she has the ability to love."

Maya shifted beside her. "You went through just as much at her age before you met Oliver. We didn't think you were capable of love and you loved him."

Nyssa instantly looked down. "Sara's not me." She said weakly.

"She doesn't have to be you, Nys. You both went through a rough childhood due to some shitty fathers." Maya said softly, reaching over and grabbing her hand.

"I'm not going to force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. She's in control here." Nyssa said.

"I didn't say force her into anything, Nys. All I'm saying is tell her how you feel." Maya responded softly.

Nyssa shook her head. "No."

Carina walked over to them and sat on Maya's lap. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing." Nyssa said.

"She likes Sara but is scared to say or do anything." Maya said, pulling Carina closer.

"Oh, you should just tell her." Carina said.

Nyssa sighed and shook her head. "I can't."

"It's up to you." Carina said. "But being honest is always best."

"Nyssa!" Caitlin called from inside the house.

Nyssa turned. "Yeah." She called back.

"Oliver's home!" Caitlin yelled out.

"What?" Nyssa said in surprise. She glanced at Sara out in the yard.

"Nys?" Oliver called out.

Getting up, Nyssa instantly made her way inside and wrapped her arms around him. "Beloved."

"Hi." Oliver said. "I've missed you so much."

The brunette instantly crashed their lips together.

Oliver kissed her back.

After a moment, Nyssa pulled away. "I didn't think you were coming home."

"I always do." Oliver said.

"It's been three years Beloved, no calls or anything." Nyssa responded, running her hands through his hair.

"I was being held hostage." Oliver said.

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