Chapter Six

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Several months later

Sara looks up when Nyssa enters the kitchen.

Nyssa smiled. "Hi."

Sara smiled back.

"You're up early." Nyssa says, moving over to the counter to make herself some coffee.

'Rabbit needed out into the yard'. Sara wrote on the white board she used to communicate.

Nodding her head, Nyssa takes a sip of the coffee.

Sara wiped the board and wrote. 'You're up early too.'

"Couldn't sleep." Nyssa admitted softly.

Sara wiped the board again and wrote. 'Why?'

The brunette shrugged her shoulders and smiled softly. "Just happens sometimes."

Sara nodded. She looked out the window and saw Rabbit sniffing the grass.

The puppy looks back toward her and wags his tail before continuing to sniff the grass.

Sara continued to watch him, wondering what he could smell.

"He's probably looking for a good place to pee." Nyssa says without thinking, causing Sara to giggle.

Nyssa couldn't hide her smile at the sound of Sara's laugh. The brunette looks over at her, watching her nose crinkle adorably as she laughed.

Sara pushed a strand of blonde hair out of her eyes and sighed deeply.

"What's wrong?" Nyssa asked softly.

Sara shook her head and went back to watching Rabbit through the window..

Nyssa sighed softly. "You can talk to me Sara. I thought you knew that."

Sara turned her head again to look at Nyssa.

The brunette's eyes were filled with concern. "What's wrong?"

Sara wrote on her whiteboard. 'It's my birthday.'

"Would you like to do something?" Nyssa asks softly.

Sara shook her head. She cleaned the white board. 'I don't like my birthday.'

Nyssa frowned slightly. "Really?"

Sara nodded, cleaning the white board. 'It's the day my dad sold me.' She wrote.

The brunette instantly frowns. "I'm sorry."

Sara put the lid on her pen and put it down on the table.

"Why don't we try and give you a better memory for your birthday?" Nyssa asked her softly.

Sara looked at Nyssa curiously.

The brunette smiles softly. "Just us, maybe a cake."

Sara nodded slowly.

Rabbit barks softly in the backyard, his tail wagging excitedly.

Sara turned her head to look at him.

He was looking at the other side of the fence.

Sara got up from her chair and wandered over to the window.

Poppy was in her backyard, playing catch with Maya.

Rabbit's tail was wagging wildly.

"Think he wants to play." Nyssa told Sara with a warm smile.

Sara moved to the back door. She left the house and grabbed Rabbit's ball from his toy box.

Rabbit instantly perked up, moving over to Sara.

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