Chapter One

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Sara was nervous as she followed the butler into the mansion. She didn't know if she was safe.

"Stay here." The butler said as they reached a door and he knocked on the door, entering when he was given permission to by the person inside.

Once the door opened, the butler led Sara inside.

Sara didn't know what she was expecting at first. But it definitely wasn't what she saw when she entered the building. Sitting behind the desk was a beautiful black haired woman in a black dress with black framed glasses on. She had a laptop open in front of her and looked up as Sara approached the desk, a soft smile on her lips.

Sara swallowed thickly and dropped her eyes to the floor when the woman looked up.

"You must be Sara." The woman said softly.

Sara nodded slowly, without a word.

Standing up, the woman moved over to Sara and looked her over. "I'm Nyssa, the woman who paid for you."

Sara took a small step back, didn't look up and still said nothing.

"Come here darling, I'm not going to hurt you. Not like those pigs." Nyssa said softly.

Sara didn't move. It was as if she was rooted to the spot on which she stood. She did manage to force her eyes up slightly to look at Nyssa but didn't make eye contact with her.

"Are you hungry?" The brunette asked warmly.

Sara shook her head slowly.

"Caspian, you are dismissed." Nyssa said to the butler who nodded respectfully and left the room without a word. "Why don't you sit down?" She said to Sara.

Sara glanced at the chair Nyssa had just gestured to and shook her head.

"I promise I'm not going to hurt you. I only bought you to get you out of there." Nyssa explained softly.

Sara took three cautious side steps toward the chair and sat delicately in it.

"Your father, he sold you at just eight years old?" Nyssa asked softly, slowly moving to sit in the chair in front of her.

Sara stared at Nyssa for a long time, not making eye contact, before nodding slowly. 'How did she know that?'

"I'm sorry he did that. He's just as bad as the monsters you've probably lived with." Nyssa admitted softly. "I've been in your shoes and I promised to help anyone I could."

Sara only blinked in response. She swallowed thickly. 'A glass of water would be nice,' she thought to herself.

"Are you sure you don't want anything? The guy who had you last said you don't speak. So I bought these for you." Nyssa passed her a set erase board, marker, and eraser.

Sara hesitated for a long while before cautiously reaching out and taking the board. She lifted the marker up in her left hand and scribbled 'water' very messily on the board before turning it around to show Nyssa.

Nodding her head, Nyssa got up and left the room to get Sara water.

Sara watched Nyssa leave before wiping the word off of the board.

The brunette reappeared with a glass of water and passed it to Sara. "Anything else?"

Sara shook her head. She cautiously took the glass and took a small slip of it.

"Okay. Well I'll have Caspian show you to your room when you're ready." Nyssa said before moving back to her desk and getting back to work.

Sara took another sip of the water from the glass in her hand.

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