Y/N stood there froze when he opened the door. Cho-hee who was behind her started laughing when she saw the room and her reaction. "Son, I do appreciate the hard work. She may seems too girly and like pink but not this much." This time both Boem-Soo and Y/N also joined her. " The maid arranged it. Let me show you other room" Namjoon said scratching his nape embarrassedly. "It's okay. I will arrange it tommorow." Y/N assured him with a smile. "Then it is settled." Boem-Soo said when Y/N plopped herself in the bed. They leaved her room after the guards dropped her luggages in her room.

" Namjoon-ah I want to have a talk with you if you don't mind." Cho-hee asked not to drub on him. He just nodded with expressionless. She sighted and started after they took seat in the couch. " I know you all can't accept her as your sister but don't mistreat her Please. She may seems friendly which she is not. After I leave maybe she will give you all a cold shoulder don't take it seriously. Actually I also don't know much about her but try to understand her before moving to the conclusion".…." And remember her to take medicine. She may leave early and come late. She may have many trips and sleepovers don't mind it. She have many competitions. Just keep an eye on her for me please. If you saw she behaving weirdly call me immediately. Okay?"

Namjoon just nodded his head not knowing what she is talking about. What do she think about him a babysitter? And weird behaviour he saw her behaviour already is weird. But he feels her worry in her each and every word which somehow made him a little jealous. "Never ever order her. She hate it. You all don't have to look after her she is capable of it. But just make sure she is safe. She is suffering too much to keep herself together." She sighted remembering all her difficulty.

Namjoon still can't understand her it's making the girl very mysterious. " And last and important thing if you can't respect her ignore her existence." It made Namjoon and Boem-Soo look at her questionably. " I can't take the risk by leaving her alone in the house. She will keep it together because of you all. I have only this option." ........... "Namjoon-ah please I'm begging you keep my words seriously. All have a reason behind it."  With that their conversation ended with a confused Namjoon.

The couple were about to leave when Cho-hee suddenly hugged Namjoon surprising him. " You also take care. Like she said don't stress too much with work. Enjoy your youth. Say them all our leave. Bye." She said and letting go of him after kissing his forehead. She motioned her husband and he also hugged him and said some advices and gave a secret warning about what her wife said and bid their goodbye. Namjoon closed the door with a smile. These affections were new for him and he liked it. Even his own mother didn't show him any affections no one shows it.

The seven of them were close and inseperable but their heart were cold and froze. Their life made them heartless and emotionless but deep down they were all yearning for love and affections.

It was different for Y/N even though she got all love and affections she didn't felt complete. She didn't feel the safety when she is with them it made her feel empty. The thing that she doesn't know who killed her father is making her go crazy. The self harm is the result of these things.

Time skip


Y/N woke up early out of habit. Even though she informed her gang about her absence for today, she checked the messages and calls. After that she freshen up and done her morning routine.

She came downstairs craving for her morning coffee. But there wasn't anybody including maid. She know how to make coffee but she hesitated to use the things in the house without permission. She felt it like their personal space. She doesn't like when someone involve in her personal space, so she won't do it to others. She got back to her room and unpacked her luggages and arranged it in the closet neatly. She took her laptop and done some of her work until she heard some noises outside. She quickly completed it and ran downstairs.

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