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Christmas at 12 Grimmauld Place

"It was like their secret tradition to see each other late at night, except for them not talking to each other and Y/n thinking he didn't know

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"It was like their secret tradition to see each other late at night, except for them not talking to each other and Y/n thinking he didn't know."


Everyone had just arrived at the order's headquarters, and although things weren't going so well, they were still trying to get into the Christmas spirit. The Weasley children, Y/n, Hermione and Harry, were all sitting in the living room who had large windows overlooking the street in front of the house, a large fireplace flanked by two ornate glass-fronted cabinets and an entire wall covered with a tapestry of the Black family tree while most of the order members were in the kitchen.

"We are having the time of our lives right now, aren't we?" said Ginny sarcastically, who was laying her head on Y/n's lap while she read a book Hermione gave her.

"Does anyone have any ideas on what we can do?" said Ron irritated at the border they all felt.

"Play hide and seek" joked Y/n not looking up from her book.

"That's a decent idea coming from a Slytherin." laughed George

"No, i was-"

"No Y/n its fine, we all know you were dead serious" said Fred. "Now who wants to actually play hide and seek? I and George will look for you go hide!"


"Good night girls!" said Remus closing the bedroom door after making sure Ginny,Y/n and Hermione were all in bed.

"That was fun." whispered Ginny referring to their hide and seek game.

"Yeah, its a bit sad that we only got to play 1 round" Hermione agreed but suddenly remembered something. "Wait. Y/n? Where did you hide" she said turning to face the Slytherin who had her back towards them.

"In a random room" she responded, hoping they wouldn't ask too many questions.

"But where?" Ginny said. She heard something from the twins about where they found her but they didn't tell anything else considering that Y/n stepped on their shoes.

"You won't leave me alone will you?" sighs Y/n looking at the two girls who shook their head. "With Harry" she mumbled.

"What?" they asked in shock, thinking their ears were deceiving them.3

"I said with Harry in a random room on the second floor." she said more clearly. "But i did not hide with him willingly!"

"Tell us more about it!" said Hermione, something that surprised Y/n. Typically Hermione didn't like gossip but when it was about her best friends relationships she was very interested.

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