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"Hearing him pour out his heart like that broke me"

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"Hearing him pour out his heart like that broke me"

Y/n's pov

Everyone was in the Great Hall for dinner. I am sitting with Ann,Blaise and Draco,thank god they support me with this tournament thing. Even tho Draco makes jokes about me dying in one of the tasks but not I'm a mean way,at least that's how it seems. I haven't talked to Ron in a while because he thinks that I willingly put my name in the goblet without telling anyone,same goes with Harry,I cant belive how he can just stop talking with his best friends because of this.

While my Slytherin friends are laughing I see harry walk in the hall and walks towards me.

"Hey we need to talk" he says when he finally gets to our table. I get up and we walk out.

"Whats up?"

"Well uh Sirius wanted to talk to us. Face to face."

"Is he here or something?"

"I don't know but you will have to sneak in the Gryffindor common room tonight at 1 am somehow"

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"I can get my invisibility cloak and sneak you in?" he asked,but it didn't really sound like a question

"Yeah ill see you then" and I went back into the Hall and back to the table


Im waiting for Harry in the common room. We made a plan,when he comes he will knock at the entrance of the common room 3 times (so I know its him) and then we go to the Gryffindor common room together. He said he will be arriving at 10.30 or something close to that. I really hope he doesn't ditch me. Then i hear the 3 knocks. I open the door and there he was,with his invisibility cloak.

"Hi" he said cheerfully

"Hello" i smile at him "Ready to go?"

"Yeah come here." We got under to cloak and started running to the Gryffindor common room,trying our best not to bust out laughing. When we finally got there harry said the password to the portrait and we entered. And i was impressed,in a good way. It looked lovely. And much better then our common room,this one gives off a nice vibe while the Slytherin one has a darker one. We looked at the clock as saw it wasn't 1 am yet so we sat down on one of the sofas.

"I really like your common room" i told him while looking around

"Yeah it looks nicer then the Slytherin one"

"You entered the Slytherin common room?"

"Yeah in second year,it wasn't the best experience but it was nice.Also the first is dragons. Thats what Hagrid wanted to show me"

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