Catching Up With Per and Meeting Khom

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"All I did was explain stuff to you that you didn't understand from that man."

"You were better at breaking certain things down for me. I understood him because I understood you first."

"Ok. I'm remember you told me this. And I remember telling you how I used to block things out that I didn't like or run away when I couldn't face things. You helped me be stronger and more open. You helped me understand that emotions need to run their course, they need to be embraced and worked through."

"You would always be so overwhelmed. It was really something to me. I can't hold things back. It frustrates me. Even if I don't always understand what I'm feeling right away, once I figure it out, I have to address it in some way. I'm my mother's son."

"Yes you are." Phun smiled softly with his eyes closed. He tried to focus but he was too comfortable.

"And your dozing. Rest. I'll bring you some pain killers with lunch. I don't know why I let you talk me into those last couple rounds." Noh complained but Phun only smiled as he sunk under. He feel asleep again and Noh put his things away, finished the list and gave it to Ohm then rested with Phun until it was time for lunch. Per joined them looking tired and dragged down. Noh shook his head and pulled him away after they ate and he dealt with Phun.

"You look run down. Is it the drama? I thought you were second lead in a romance drama?" Noh asked as soon as he sat next to the younger.

"Yes. It's going great actually it's probably the easiest thing I have dealing with right now." Per said, and it really was. Everything was going smoothly and they were even talking his input into consideration. This series was going to be huge. He could sense it.

"So then why are you looking like this? Your making me worried. I don't like it." Noh really was concerned and he let Per see it.

Per sagged into the couch and rolled his head then sighed, sighed again. "I wanna talk about it but I don't at the same time."

"Per. I'm here to listen and I wouldn't pass any judgment on you no matter what it is. I'm sure it can be resolved. At least I hope so but if you killed someone that's another story. I'm going to have to turn you in. It's for your own good. I'm recoding this just so if something happens to me too, Phun will get you just punishments."

Per chuckled a bit like Noh was hoping he would then sighed again. "If I killed you Phun would probably kill me and then himself cause he can't live without you. (I feel like I should put a disclaimer here. Per said this in jest.) Anyway, it's about Win."

"Ok." Noh said after a long pause. He left it there because maybe Per needed more time to gather his words.

After a while of them just being quite, Per sat up and turned to Noh. "He's been lying to me for a while. He and Jason haven't been together since after their first year of Uni. Jason met someone and they eventually fell in love. He and Win just pretended because of me."

"How did you find out?" Noh asked because this wasn't making any sense to him. Why the great cover up? 

"I got a call because Jason was in a accident and a friend of mine was at the hospital where he was admitted. They thought the other person admitted with him was Win. But it wasn't. It was his new lover. I got there after leaving here in a rush that time remember, only to find out that it wasn't Win. But I was already there and I consider Jason something of a friend so I decided to go see him. Win was already in the room and they were talking."

"So you found out a lot of things." Noh looked at the way Per closed his eyes and let lose a sigh of his own.

"Yes. I found out a lot of things. He still loves me but he doesn't want me to know. They cooked up this plan because of me. Because of how I reacted to his feelings. I figured out I was bisexual because of him. I figured out I like soft boys like him, which is why he meant so much to me. I even dated a few guys like him and enjoyed myself. I just couldn't give them much because he still has all of me. Win still has all of me Noh and I don't know what to do about it."

Love Contract - A Love Sick fan ficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora