OVA/Special Episode 13

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I didn't realize I never published this chapter until just now. Sorry~

During the time where the students of Morinomiya Academy were preparing for their midterms...

'Okay. I copied it all down, so I'd better get to the daycare room...' Kashima thinks as he closes his notebook and reaches for his bag. As he sets it down on his lap, he remembers the promise made the night before. 'Oh, that's right. I don't have to go today.'

The memory of the chairwoman manifests in an allusion with a scary aura surrounding her. 'If you're going to do it, you'd better not only do it halfway!' He ponders over this, his facial expression showing his subtle fear. 'H-Halfway... What grade do I need to get for it to not count as halfway?'

Kashima is jolted from his thoughts when a familiar stoic voice calls out to him. "Oi, you sick or something?" He turns around to answer and sees Kamitani behind him, bag over his left shoulder. "Uh... No, I'm okay. Oh, that's right. Kamitani... Saikawa will be helping out in the daycare room during midterms, so we get time off from club activities."
"Oh, okay."

"Since we have the time off, do you want to go with me to the library to study? Emiko-chan said she could meet us there," Kashima informs him, hoping that he would take the bait to study under the guise of being with his girlfriend.

"Hah? Why the hell should I study for a test? Emiko's studying sessions can be brutal if I don't keep up with her," Kamitani retorts, remembering the times before where they studied together. He thought his brain was going to overload and he hasn't studied with her since they had started dating.

Kashima is a bit stunned, in all honesty. He thought since Emiko was at the top of the class that she would be helping Kamitani raise his grades. Especially since she was considered the genius of this school, with her many academic achievements. "Wait, isn't that what you usually do?"

Right after he asks his question, they hear a buzz coming from Kamitani's bag, both of them turning their attention to the sound. Kamitani pulls out his phone to see a message come in from his mom. It contained an ominous picture of her holding his baseball DVD with her shadowed face partially behind it. The message was: 'If you fail one subject, I'll crush your precious DVD.'

Kamitani's own face darkened at her threat, his eyes narrowing. "Oi. What chapters do the midterms cover again?"

Kashima deadpans at the interaction between son and mother. "L-Let's both work hard, Kamitani."

At the Chikafuji residence...

Since Emiko was going to be studying and helping Kamitani with the midterms, she had asked if Shinosuke would be able to stay with the chairwoman and Kotaro. She didn't want to neglect him in the process of preparing for the exams and thankfully, the chairwoman had taken him in. Her boyfriend had walked home with her after reviewing in the library with Kashima because he needed her help, as unwillingly as he wanted to admit.

They arrive in her room, sitting down on the plush cushion placed on the sides on the short table. Emiko gets out all of her textbooks and notebooks and places them onto the surface of the table. Already knowing his worst subjects, she takes the material out for those classes and he lets out a sigh.

An amused smirk pulls at her lips as she thinks of a way to give him motivation to study harder this time. If she remembered correctly, this is the first time studying together ever since they were in a relationship. She places her pointer finger on her bottom lip and looks up while thinking. Kamitani observes her as she thinks, wondering what scheme she was cooking up in her genius brain this time.

As she has a lightbulb moment, Emiko snaps her fingers and her eyes sparkle. She turns to Kamitani abruptly, startling him slightly, especially with that mischievous look on her face. Moving away from her spot, she grabs onto his shoulders and presses her lips against his. He responds after half a second, surprised at her actions, but hey, he wasn't complaining. Emiko's body was positioned slightly above him as she was kneeling and he was sitting criss-crossed on the cushion. Their lips moved against each other in tandem, a routine practiced many times before. His hands come up to grip her hips, pulling her closer and her fingers trail up from his shoulders, to his neck, and then his face, cupping his jaw.

Before things could get too heated, Emiko lifts her head up, separating their lips. Puffing from their lips are their panting breaths, their chests heaving up and down from their mini makeout session.

The mischievous smirk stretches her mouth before Emiko sits back down on her cushion, her arms behind her as they support her body weight, hands placed on the ground. "I hope you enjoyed that. Because you won't be able to kiss me like that unless you pass a certain amount of questions for each subject while we're studying."

This proposition makes him close his eyes and groan, tipping his head back slightly. She knew that he enjoyed kissing her more than he would let on, so using this as an incentive was her plan to get him to actually study.


Kamitani looks back at her, his eyes opening as his head tilts down. Emiko's eyes were half lidded, an expression as sly as a vixen apparent on her beautiful face. "... If you manage to get at least 20 points above the class average, I'll do one thing for you. Anything that you request, as long as it is within my power to do so."

His eyes widened at her offer. Did she know how dangerous this was, enticing him with such a tempting deal? Wait a minute. "Why 20 points? What if the average is high enough where 20 points means getting 100 for the deal?"

Her seductive mien changes to a closed eye smile. "That won't happen."

"How do you know?"

She opens her eyes, but that smile on her lips shifts a little, darkening slightly. "Class-C normally doesn't score as well during these exams and based on the past records of your class average, I estimate that it will result in a range from around 50 to 60. But if your class manages to exceed my expectations, that just means you have more motivation to score better." Emiko shrugs her shoulders as she says this. Her body moves into a more proper sitting position, clapping her hands with her usual smile. "Okay, let's get to work now!"

After a tedious four days, 80 out of 100 correct questions, and 10 kisses-turned-makeout-sessions, came the midterm exams. As always, Emiko was placed first in the class and in the year, receiving nearly a perfect score for all ten subjects. During their lunch break on the day everyone got their results back, Emiko popped in Class-C, immediately stirring a commotion.

She ignores them and makes her way to Kashima and Kamitani, who had pushed his chair back enough to give her room. Emiko sits down on his lap, linking her hands together behind his head and he circles an arm around her waist to keep her steady. She turns her head to Kashima in front of them with a smile. "Ryu-chan, how did the midterms go for you?"

He realized she was talking to him after a pause and stuttered out his response. "I-It w-was good. I did better than I thought I would."

"Hmm, that's great! Good job, Ryu-chan!" She praises him for his academic progress and achievement. Then she turns to her boyfriend with a teasing smirk. "How did you do, Hayato?" He stares at her for a couple seconds before handing her the slip of paper with his scores printed on it. Upon seeing how he did, her smile brightened, blinding the class with the brilliance it radiated. Emiko wraps her arms around his neck and plants her lips on his cheek, overjoyed. She pulls away and rests her head sideways against one of his shoulders. "I knew you could do it. You just needed some motivation," she says, chuckling when a grunt comes from Kamitani. "Well, you did have more of an incentive this time, I guess."

Remembering the deal they made, she sits up properly in a quick motion. Her abrupt movement makes him grip onto her more tightly, an instinctive action to make sure she doesn't get hurt. "That reminds me, Hayato, what do you want me to do for your reward?" This immediately rouses many people's jealousy and envy. To earn a favor from the Chikafuji daughter was almost unheard of, and there were many wishes that she was capable of fulfilling.

His light green eyes drift up, pondering, before making eye contact with her. "I think I'll take a raincheck."

Her azure orbs widen slightly before curving up with her smirk. Interesting. Well, guess she'll just wait and see then.

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