Manga: Chapter 31

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Today's story starts off on a particular day during spring break, when Kamitani brings a new friend into the daycare. Everyone stared at the Kamitani brothers, who had an addition. The baby in a wrap that was carried by Kamitani was crying uncontrollably, he certainly has a pair of lungs.

Usaida is the first one to speak, albeit with a snarky comment. "Heh~ When did Emiko have a child?" he asks, staring at the child.

Emiko's eyes darken before she elbows him in the gut. "Shut your mouth."

Kamitani also responded at the same time, "Like hell. I'll bury you."

After settling in, Emiko was now talking on the phone with Kamitani-sensei and Kashima was listening in as well.

"I'm really sorry for bothering you guys, Emiko-chan, Ryuuichi-kun. Both my sister and her husband have caught the cold. So I had no choice but to leave their child to Hayato. I'm really sorry about this. Can you two and Usaida take him while I'm at the hospital? Basically just leave him to Hayato."

Emiko responds to her. "Of course! There's no problem." From the corner of her eye, she sees Kamitani beckon to her, gesturing for her to hand the phone over.

"Anyway, this guy has been crying non-stop. Why can't you just bring him along to the hospital," Kamitani tells his mother.

"Well, if we took Tsugumi-chan to the hospital, he could also catch the flu. Anyway, didn't he stop crying already?" she asks him, noticing the lack of loud wails.

"Huh?" He looks over to see that Emiko was cradling the young child to her chest with Kashima by her side, bewildered at her skill.

"There, there," she soothingly pats his back, calming him down.

Usaida is also next to them, looking at their interaction. "Wow, as expected of Emiko-chan."

Kamitani raises the phone again. "Ah... looks like things are fine."

"Then I'll leave it to you."

Then, Usaida makes another off-handed comment. "Seems like both Hayato and Tsugumi have the same taste in women."

Emiko's cheek flush a bit pink before she kicks him in the side. "What are you even saying, idiot Usaida?"

From his spot, he rubs the impacted area with crocodile tears. "I'm sorry~"

Taka reaches up with his arms, hands open. "Nii-chan! I wanna talk too! Give me the phone!"

Kamitani brings the phone back so he could look at it. "Ah. She hung up already."

This shocks Taka and he gives a little jolt.

Usaida looks closely at the child Emiko was holding. "This little brat here is Hayato and Taka's cousin after all... but doesn't he look a bit too much like Hayato?"

Emiko giggles. "So it wasn't just me then?"

Kamitani glares at both of them. "Shut it," he threatens darkly.

Emiko looks up a bit before glancing at their faces. "But Hayato still resembles Kamitani-sensei the most. They have the same fierce eyes."

"Emiko-chan..." Kashima sweat drops at her comment.

She looks over at the other Kamitani brother with a smile. "Hey, Taka, why don't you come play with him too? It's almost as if your brother has turned into a baby again, how interesting," she says, laughing a little.

"Oi." Kamitani has a slight shadow over his eyes, slightly pissed off at her teasing.

Kashima turns around, looking for the kids. "Hmm? Where are Kotaro and the others..." he trails off when he finds them hiding in a corner beside a toy box.

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