Manga: Chapter 18

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Now in the snowy mountains, the children pressed their faces against the windows of the bus. Their eyes were sparkling at the view, the winter wonderland a rarity to them.

Somehow, Emiko had ended up sitting on Kamitani's lap the entire ride, facing the windows, with the rest of the children in the same space as the three teens.

"Miko! M-mountains! I can see mountains!"

"The mountains are covered in white!"
"So much snow!"


"G-guys! It's dangerous! Sit down properly!" Kashima says, trying to get them under control as Emiko tugs a couple of the children into her arms. Kamitani was eating the bag of chips that was in Emiko's lap, using her thighs as a holder for the snack.

"Usaida-san, please help out over here..." Kashima trails off as the three of them look over to see the sleeping caretaker.

Kamitani keeps a secure arm around Emiko as he reaches over to hit his head. "You better wake up this instant."

He then turns to the other kids, hitting the ones standing. "And you guys better sit tight."

The children who were hit immediately go hug Emiko and Kashima, teary-eyed. "K-Kamitani!"

Before the arrival of the spring season, Morinomiya High would hold its annual skiing activities. However, for some unknown reasons, the members of the babysitting club are also dragged along on this trip.

The kids immediately revelled in the snow, the cold, but fluffy texture bizarre to them.

"It's snow!" Taka shouts as he rolls around and the twins pat it behind Kotaro. "Snow!"

Shinosuke was walking ahead of Kotaro, showing him how cool it was to walk on the snow. But he was only able to make a few steps before suddenly falling into a shallow pit.

Emiko freaks out before frantically rushing over. "Shinosuke!" She picks him up and even though he was shivering from the cold and the fall, he still had a grin on his face. "I'm alright!"

She lets out a sigh of relief before patting his back. "I'm sorry. I didn't think there'd be so many holes around here."

The twins start trotting over to them as soon as they are spotted. "Miko-chan! We want hugs too!"

"Ah, wait, Takuma, Kazuma! The snow is deep here and there are pretty deep holes around here!" she warns them.

Feeling a presence, she turns around. But then she only sees a bundled up person holding an equally bundled up baby. "Emiko-chan, if you don't hurry up, you're going to fall behind."

She sweat drops at his layers. "Don't tell me it's..."

He lifts up his goggles.

"It really is you, Usaida."

Kashima and Kamitani also gather around her with the other kids. The trio from Class C look in envy. "Those little kids look really warm."

Emiko turns back one last time. 'It feels like there really was someone else around here...'




"AAAH! Don't come over to me!"

Two of their friends from Class C ski into each other and they see Kamitani casually standing there.

"Kamitani! Help stop us!"

He just looks back at them. "Ah?" And instead of helping them, he dodges them, letting the two idiots slam into the tree trunk. "Stop yourself."

"Um... I won't be able to ski if you guys are clinging onto me," Emiko deadpans at her own situation, a helpless smile on her face. Shinosuke was on her back while Kirin was clinging onto one leg and Kazuma was clinging onto the other one. Kashima was actually in a similar state with the rest of the children.

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