Chapter 25: In the Dark

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The infirmary was a mess, but Darice was still safely strapped to a bed, and Chavadanafra had evidently found something solid to cling to, for she looked far less disheveled than the rest of them. She helped Sabrina lift Tassan onto a bed and place an oxygen mask over his face, while Jaisen went to see if he could assist Asnefer.

"Malvarak's got Tirqwin. We have to get him back," Sabrina said.

Chavadanafra frowned. "Yes. I hope he is not capable of harming another of our House, but he is not himself, and we cannot be sure."

"He is capable of almost anything," Sabrina shivered. "What I don't get is why he abandoned Khediva and took Tirqwin instead. He wanted her brain for his ship; Tirqwin's won't work that way, will it?"

"I doubt it," Chavadanafra said. "Sometimes Tirqwins' brains evolve the capabilities necessary to become Wayships, but not often. However, there is no way to predict how intimate contact with the Guardian may have altered his sensitivity to särad crystal and therefore to Ways."

"Then there's a chance?" Sabrina said in dismay.

"A small one."

"It doesn't matter. Malvarak will take it. He's got nothing to lose." She hugged herself and shivered. "We have to find them."

"He may have returned to Pharo. That is the one place he is safe from Wayships and your Guardian."

"But not the three battleships. They're still there, as far as we know."

"If he can open a Way in that space, he does not have to remain in linear time," Chavadanafra reminded her.

"But we do."

"Yes. There may be no way to reach them."

"I don't accept that," Sabrina said.

"I doubt your acceptance makes much difference to the physics of the universe," Chavadanafra said gently.

"I'm going to go see if I can help Asnefer and Bastureftu and Jaisen," Sabrina said. "Call me if either of them take a turn for the worse."

"They are your people, and I may be of more use to my own," Chavadanafra pointed out.

Khediva said, "Both of you may go; I am monitoring them. Citizen Nikolar's injuries are slight; he needs merely oxygen and rest. However, I recommend placing Major Darice in stasis."

"Do it," Sabrina said, following Chavadanafra from the room.

They arrived on the control deck just as Asnefer started up from her seat, joy lighting up her face. "Shahina!"

The High Wayship's voice said, "Asnefer, you are well! I came as soon as I sensed you again."

"Shahina," Asnefer said, "begin scanning for the shell of Sribarak. He has a Pharon crystal matrix, so you will not be able to sense him directly."

"I will scan for Pharon crystal instead," Shahina said.

"Asnefer," Sabrina said, "can Shahina tow us to Praxatillus?"

"Yes, but I am not sure that would be wise."

"The Great Crystal may be able to sense Sribarak better than the Wayships," Sabrina pointed out. "And we're safe in that space."

"You are. We may not be."

"I give you my word you'll be safe."

"Your word as what?" Asnefer said skeptically.

Khediva said, "Sabrina's word is trustworthy, High Tirqwin."

Asnefer looked at Chavadanafra, who looked indecisive. "We cannot take them to Homeworld space. Perhaps Lthos...."

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