Chapter 4: The Regency

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Sabrina woke with a feeling of dread, which she wasn't immediately able to identify. It was only when Izana, Mara's chief maid, called softly, "My lady Regent?" that she remembered how completely her life had changed. She let out a groan and ran her hands through her hair, as if by raking it into some kind of order she could take control of the rest of her morning.

"Yes?" she yawned, struggling to sit up.

"I have your breakfast," Izana said, carefully setting a tray in front of her that contained Mara's customary breakfast of sweet pastries, fruit, and overwhelmingly rich cocoa. Sabrina made a mental note to change the standing order as she picked at the fruit and requested a cup of tea.

"Yes, my lady," Izana said. "The Royal Secretary is waiting for you in your study, at your convenience."

"I suppose I'd better get dressed, then," Sabrina said, grabbing a handful of piyeri fruit and leaving the rest of the tray untouched as she headed for the bathroom. Two other maids were already busy there, filling the huge bath with hot, soapy water and bringing fresh towels. Sabrina thanked them with all the patience she could muster and firmly dismissed them, disconcerted and displeased to find herself at the center of the elaborate machinery of Mara's life. She made another mental note to change the routine as soon as possible.

When she finished her quick bath, she found Sehaèri waiting in the dressing room, mulling over a plain violet dress with a beaded neckline and a deeper hued one with a high collar. "Good morning, my lady," Sehaèri greeted her. "You have a meeting this morning with Prime Minister Rassir, and then with the Council of Ministers. Lunch will be with the Lthosyenne delegation, and then you have an appointment with First Chair Lady Imari. After that, several of the regional governors have expressed a wish to make your acquaintance. And there are several others who wish to see you to congratulate you on your new position, but I took the liberty of informing most of them that you are exceedingly busy and will express your gratitude for their good wishes at a later time."

Sabrina tried to remember all the things that had come to her as she was falling asleep. "I need to see Lady Selémahs as well. Oh, also Sehrian and Éllina Haaron. And I'd like to see my brother and Commander Rayland at some point in the day, after supper if they're not free any other time."

Sehaèri nodded as she helped Sabrina into the high-necked dress. "Lady Selémahs asked me to tell you that she is available at your convenience and wishes to speak to you. The Haarons called last night and left a message for you on your comconsole. Do you wish me to reply for you?"

"No, I'll do it, thanks. I've got to go to the study to talk to the secretary anyway," Sabrina said. "I've already kept him waiting."

Sehaèri slipped the royal scarlet sash over Sabrina's shoulder and quickly pinned on her orders. "Will you wear a tiara today, my lady?"

"No," Sabrina said automatically, then reconsidered. "Is...there by any chance a circlet it would be appropriate for me to wear?"

Sehaèri nodded and opened a black velvet case nearby. Sabrina realized that her dressing room had suddenly acquired many such boxes and wondered who had moved them, and when. The circlet Sehaèri chose was of braided red gold, a simple band with no ornamentation. "This is what Shariara wore on state occasions," Sehaèri said softly. "It is not part of the royal collection, but was made specially to denote her affiliation with the royal family. Commander Rayland asked me to find it and recommend it to you, if you balked at the tiaras."

Sabrina hesitated, then reached out and took the circlet in her hands, turning it carefully and thinking of her brief glimpse of Mara's mother. And so I inherit another of your burdens, she thought. It occurred to her that, if she had lived, Shariara would likely have been Mara's regent. But then, if Shariara had lived, Baldaran would almost certainly not have been murdered.

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