Chapter 5.1

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Rayland joined them a short while later, looking pleased and relaxed. "The other Ministers have been pleasantly surprised tonight," he said to Sabrina as he sat down. "You have basically given them a pledge, with our whole population for witness, not to make any drastic changes in our way of life. I think everyone's worst imaginings have been removed."

"Good. That's what I wanted," Sabrina said. "I hope I don't have to do anything like that again!"

Rayland gave her a sympathetic smile. "Not until you have good news to announce, anyway. You did very well, Sabrina. Not, perhaps, as well as Maratobia might have done, but then you lack many of her advantages. On the whole I think it a very promising start. When do you meet with your Citizens Council?"

"Tomorrow, first thing. I'm having breakfast with them before my session with Rassir."

"Excellent. My great friend General Daman nar Zhahghai is to sit on the Council as a representative of the refugees from the moon," Rayland said. "His advice should be extremely helpful."

"Hey," Scotty said, "wasn't he one of the guys at my court-martial?"

"Yes." Rayland chuckled. "But I am sure he is too fair-minded to hold that against your sister."

"I've always wondered if I should regret missing that," Sabrina grinned. "It seems to have been quite an occasion."

"Better be glad you did," Scotty advised. "If you hadn't gotten yourself kidnapped, Haaron and I wouldn't've had a chance to redeem ourselves!"

"Oh," Sabrina said, sobering, "you would have. Malvarak was going to wreak havoc on us one way or another. I'm just sorry I'm the one who touched it off."

Rayland mused, "Tirqwin said that Malvarak knew each of you well enough to know exactly how pivotal you were, when most people thought you unimportant."

"Well, and now here I am, standing before God and everybody with a great big target painted on my back in glorious Technicolor," Sabrina said, spreading her arms wide and nearly spilling her drink on Scotty.

Her brother scooted his chair out of the way and said, "Relax, Rina. At least you don't have to worry about Malvarak. He wouldn't touch you now. It's too obvious for him. He'd do something more devious."

"I do worry about Malvarak," Sabrina said softly.

"Better worry about yourself," Scotty retorted. "We don't owe him anything anymore."

"Don't we?" Sabrina gave him a straight look. Scotty glared at her for a moment, then looked away and tossed down the rest of his drink.

"Well," Rayland said, "let us not dwell on that tonight. He is the problem of Homeworld and most unlikely to trouble us while we have neither Khediva nor his kinsman to tempt him."

Sabrina sighed. "Somehow it just doesn't seem right, does it? I feel like I've just passed some huge, difficult test only to find my teacher slept through it. It's...kind of silly, I guess, but I wish Tirqwin had heard me. I wish I could get his thoughts on how I did."

Scotty grinned. "He's been gone too long, all right, if you're thinkin' you'd like to get his criticism! I'll never forget how mad you were that time on Allyria when he startled you on purpose to make you lose your concentration while he was testing you!"

"I don't think he'd do that to me again," Sabrina said, smiling too.

"Nah, I think you're right. More's the pity," Scotty said, unfolding himself from his chair. "Well, I got early duty, so I'm outta here. Don't worry, Rina, if you can charm a Tirqwin, you can certainly deal with Praxatillus' government. See ya!"

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